Fanfic Challenge: The Magi's Bath

Nov 24, 2009 18:43

At work I find myself typing out this little fic, inspired by this weeks challenge as follows:

[2] Naked is funny.
From Me: Someone happens upon a nude/changing party member, sans bow chicka. Naked is funny, people.
+ Any point
+ Alistair could be the walker or the nudee
+ I would marry you if he stumbled in on Wynne or Oghren

Title: The Magi's Bath
Author: Meandering_mynd
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Wynne, Oghren, Alistair

Author's Note: It's a bit short, and Alistair's appearance is only brief but.. I couldn't help myself with more hilarious Oghren antics! Hope it gives some of you a laugh.

Wynne was tired, sore and dirty. She wondered if she'd ever felt more grimy in her life than she did now that she was traveling about with a pair of sword-wielding grey wardens and their merry, if somewhat odd little band. And today... today she had made the mistake of getting too close to them during the fighting, only to be covered in splatters of blood and gore. It was everywhere; in her hair, on her face, covering her robes- which she thanked The Maker were red already.

Stealing away from camp as the others settled down to clean their armor or bicker over whose turn it was to make dinner, Wynne grabbed her pack and slipped off into the woods. She had spotted a little pond out this way several days ago, and though it promised to be cold, it would be a blessing to be able to clean off some of this muck.

She set her pack down and after sparing a glance to make sure she was alone she slipped her robes up over her head and carefully folded them, lying them atop the pack. Her boots were set beside them and her unmentionables carefully folded and laid on top of the robes. Wynne reached up to release her hair from it's ponytail, so that it fell in a fine white cloud about her face, brushing just past chin-length.

She tested the water with her toe, and was it ever cold. But, that could be remedied with a bit of magic, and who could deny an old woman a hot bath, she wondered as she released the fire spell.

After that settling into the water was easy, and Wynne let out a sigh of contentment. With so much traveling she was beginning to more than feel the proof of her age. Everything ached. Getting up from her tent into the morning was always a trial, complete with groans and cracking joints. Now she allowed her body to float weightlessly, tipping her head back and letting her eyes fall shut. In the distance she could hear the faint sounds from the camp; that dog's constant barking, the lilt of Leliana singing. Wynne smiled to herself as she enjoyed the moment of peace. They were few and far between these days.

There was another sound then, a quiet rustling that had Wynne opening her eyes. She moved a little deeper into the pond, so that the water came up to her neck, and looked around. Probably just an animal or something... Upon seeing nothing, she moved towards the rock where she had set her soaps. Best to be washed up and back to camp soon, as it was.

As her hand closed around the small waxy block that smelled of dried rose petals there was a splash from behind her, and Wynne whirled about, clutching her hands against her chest, summoning up a paralysis spell.

A wet, red and bearded head broke the surface of the clear water with a sputtering laugh. "Who knew pools on the surface were warm! It's like bleeding bathwater!"

"Oghren!" Wynne snapped, trying her best to look incensed despite her current state of undress. "What are you doing here??"

He blinked at her, water dribbling over his bushy brows and catching in the braids of his beard. "Wynne? I'm taking a dip, obviously! What are you doing here?"

"I'm bathing so if you would kindly leave!" She was beginning to feel flustered. The Dwarf seemed to have no idea how embarassed she was, and simply looked confused.

"Why are you bathing? You did that yesterday."

"I bathe every day! It's not hard to take a little time to take care of myself.... ooooh look we are not having this discussion now! Get out at once!"

"Fine fine... Nag nag nag..." He shook his head and clambered out of the water.

Wynne slapped a hand over her eyes as she was treated to a view of his bare backside. "By the Maker! Put some clothing on!"

"Woman," Oghren said, frowning in her direction. "In case you haven't noticed you're not hiding anything either."

Wynne glanced down to see that in her ranting she had moved to the more shallow bit of water, which came only to her waist. She flushed and crossed her arms in front of herself. "Will you please leave!?"

"Oghren what are you...." Both of them turned at the sound of a third voice as Alistair stepped out from between the row of trees. He looked down at the Dwarf, groaned and slid a hand over his face. "Why are you naked? No nevermind... I just..." He trailed off again as his eyes landed on Wynne, who looked like she wanted to sink into the water and disappear in the background.

"Wynne?" His voice was strangled and unnaturally high, and his expression impossible to discribe. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut as if he could burn the image from his mind. "I don't want to know why you are both here naked! I'm going to forget I ever saw this and we will never speak of it again! Dinner's ready and Elissa sent me to get you!"

After yelling his announcement loud enough for all of Ferelden to hear, the young Templar turned and fled the area so quickly, that neither of the companions had a chance to respond.

Wynne sighed, and dropped her soap back into her pack as Oghren hunted up his clothing. Yes... moments of peace were indeed rare.


media: fic, challenges: sib, character: wynne

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