Proposal: Grey Wardens Art Jam

Mar 21, 2010 21:00

I'm having this crazy idea getting all our grey wardens in one. humongous. picture.

Like, one of us could start with a drawing of our own Grey Warden (for example, mine's reading a scroll), then the next artist adds their own Warden, they could possibly interact with the previous one, etc (peeking into the scroll the previous one is reading) and so on.

One thing I enjoyed about our Dragon Age communities is how each of our wardens grow in us, Legam's naivete, Sorsha's sass, Emynii's awesomeness, Alim's hawtness *koff* moving on... So I'm proposing this idea in case you all share my wish to meet each other's warden.

Those who can't draw may collaborate with those who can, or add art they already have of their own warden (even if it's made by another). This is all pretty rough ^^; let me know if you guys are up to it, or if you have better ideas.


Thanks for all your inputs guys!

What gave me the idea is this DeviantART group, the DA-Lantern-Corps. They have templates for each color and everyone creates a Lantern character and submits it there. I'm wondering if someone could create a Grey Warden group where each gallery has its own template, sorted by Origin (City Elf, Human Noble, etc).
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