Fanfic Challenge Fic: A Moment

Nov 23, 2009 19:33

Okay so, posting my first DA:O fic. In response the the following challenge. I hope you guys enjoy! It's sort of been something that was in my head for a while though, and may eventually lead to other fics in the same storyline. We'll see...

[1] "I'm going to be a what?!"
From Kaylissa: Alistair finds out he's going to be a father, how exactly does he react?
+ Any point in the story
+ Must be the PC
+ Bonus points for including Oghren, Wynne or Morrigan talking about it
Mod note: We know that conception between two Grey Wardens is unlikely, but it's all for the joy of a good Alistair sputter/blush.

This takes place at the end of the game, because well... I very much doubt a pregnant woman would be able to fight the archdemon (unless her name is Morrigan) so... going with that!

Title: A Moment
Author: Meandering_mynd (Niki)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Alistair/FemPC Human Noble
Other Characters: Wynne, Oghren
Note: This is supposed to be funny and I really tried, but it's a bit fluffy as well, sorry. Used the default char name for the PC Noble, but description based on my character.

Alistair packed his trunk with more than a little reluctance. Though it had been only weeks since his wedding and a mere six months since he had taken the throne, he could no longer put off requests from the Wardens that he join them in Weisshaupt. Though he was now King of Ferelden he was still also a Grey Warden, and he could not shirk his responsibilities.

Another reason for his reluctance, or rather most of it, was his wife. She'd been terribly ill in the weeks following their marriage, and though she'd brushed away his concern he felt guilty for leaving her in such a state. Right now he could hear her voice in the other room, and the gentle tones of Wynne's replies. He'd insisted the healer see her, as he would rest easier if he knew what was wrong before he began the long journey north merely two days from now.

He stared down at his trunk, which was packed together rather haphazardly and wondered what he was doing. There had to be nearly a hundred servants in the castle it seemed, and one whose job this undoubtedly was. Still, he was uncomfortable with the thought of being waited on. He kicked the trunk shut idly and made his way through the open door to the bedroom.

Wynne was sitting on a chair she had drawn up next to the bed, her lips drawn together in a little half-smile that she seemed to be working hard to suppress. Elissa sat on the bed facing her, her back to Alistair. The gown she wore was satin, a brilliant blue that he knew mirrored the color of her eyes. That red hair of her's, which she'd allowed to grow out in the past months was pulled into a twist at the base of her neck. She did look every inch the Queen these days, and her noble upbringing had kicked in, despite the fact that she claimed to have railed against it as a girl, favoring her sword training instead.

Wynne looked up, and her eyes met Alistair's across the room. She smiled and stood, her red robes trailing over the stone floor as she fetched her components bag from the bedside table.

"These herbs will help with the nausea, so I suggest you take it with your tea in the morning and before bed."

Elissa had turned slightly, alerted to his presence. She didn't smile though. In fact, she looked rather shell shocked, her face even paler than usual, her eyes too large and bright in contrast. She turned away again without a word and Alistair began to feel a sense of trepidation. What could be wrong? Wynne did not seemed concerned in the least, whatever it was.

He crossed the room, lowering himself to his beloved's side. "What is it, Wynne? Is something wrong?"

Wynne lifted her head, amusement clear in her eyes. "Wrong? No, no I don't think so."

"Well then, why has she been so sick? Clearly there has to be a reason."

"Oh there certainly is at that. I don't think I want to ponder it too much myself..." Wynne smiled at him, as if she were having her own private joke at his expense. "In any case, Elissa will have to be the one to tell you. Do give her a moment Alistair."

Gathering her things Wynne left a small pouch of herbs on the dresser and slipped out of the door soundlessly, leaving behind only the faint smell of roses, and a rather confused king.

After a moment of heavy silence, Alistair turned to look expectantly at his wife. She looked a little less pale now at least. She seemed to feel his gaze because she turned to look back at him, then sighed and offered him a small smile.

"You look so worried," she said, reaching up to cup his jaw gently. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"Yes well..." He reached up to take ahold of her hand, pressing a kiss against her palm. "I'll look a lot less worried when you actually tell me what's going on."

"I'm afraid if I do you'll refuse to leave, and your presence is needed in Weisshaupt." She curled her hand around his and squeezed. "Promise me you'll go anyway. I want to be selfish and ask you to stay, but we both know that would be wrong."

He sighed softly, wondering what could be so big that he would want to remain by her side, short of her dying or something equally horrible, which Wynne would never have made light of. "Maker knows we always do what's right... with some exceptions. All right... I promise. What is it?"

"We are going to.... be parents."

For a moment it was as if the world completely fell away and there was nothing except the ringing in his ears as he stared down at her face. Perhaps he hadn't heard right, I mean after all... who could hear with all that ringing?

"Pardon...?" he managed, and his voice sounded like it had when he was a young boy just beginning the first steps into manhood.

Elissa surpressed a giggle at the high pitch of his voice and coughed instead. "You're going to be a father, Alistair. I'm pregnant."

"Oh.... well that's.... good right? It's good." Maker, he sounded like an idiot. He certainly felt like one. Couldn't he be more eloquent? Why not say "Why darling that's wonderful news!" and sweep her off her feet and kiss her?

She was all but openly laughing now as her face split into a grin. "Yes, it's quite good."

Instead of making more of a fool of himself than he already had, he pulled her into his arms and held her close. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she tucked her head under his chin. The silken strands of her hairs caught in the slight stubble he'd neglected to shave that morning.

They sat there like that for a time, just absorbing the simple joy of the moment. They weren't worrying about the taint in them or what it might mean for their child, not about the fact that Weisshaupt Fortress was thousands of miles and months of travel away; meaning he would not be able to make it back in time for the birth of his child. They didn't worry about the general dangers of childbirth, for both mother and child. This was their moment.

Elissa drew back, smiling up at him. "It's scary.... I mean I didn't really expect this to ever happen, let alone so soon."

"Neither of us expected this, and I know there are a lot of things to worry about. But I'm happy. You know that right...? Even though I acted like a complete idiot when you told me.."

She laughed. "I know. I was shocked at first too, so I suppose I can allow you that.."

"Very generous of you," he teased, flicking a strand of hair away from her eyes.

She smiled again, and then her expression grew serious. "I think... if it's a boy, we should name him Duncan."

Everything within him softened and he pulled her close against him, his lips seeking her's. They were warm and pliable, parting for him as he angled deeper. Her hands clutched at the fabric of his tunic and her body pressed into his. The heat of her against him was dizzying as his hands dropped to her hips.

Then she was shoving him away, launching herself off the bed in a blur of movement. She was across the room faster than he'd ever seen her move before, even when being chased down by a horde of darkspawn. The door she disappeared through slammed shut behind her, followed by the unmistakable sounds of wretching, which made Alistair grimace in a mixture of guilt and sympathy.

"Do you want me to..." his question was cut short by the sound of the bedroom door being flung open and slamming into the stone wall. Alistair cringed and imagined the wood splintering apart, leaving him without a bedroom door on his last days at the palace.

He turned and glared at the figure standing in the doorway; Oghren- grinning from ear to ear and brandishing a bottle of wine with much flourish.

He stepped forward, letting out a loud laugh, along with a breath that stunk of ale, slapping Alistair so hard on the back he almost fell off the bed. Managing to keep at least that much of his dignity he looked down at the dwarf with furrowed brows.

"What are you doing in here? And why are you giving me wine? And what is with the slapping?"

"Why I'm congratulating you of course!" Oghren popped the top to the wine bottle. "Wynne told us the good news! Have to admit boy... didn't think you had it in you."

"What do you mean.... Wynne told you? Already??" Alistair groaned softly. Before he'd even gotten the chance to enjoy this news for himself, by evening the entire palace would know.

"Well she had to tell us to collect on the bet, after all.." the Dwarf muttered, looking around for a glass. Then he shrugged and with a "sod it" guzzled the wine straight from the bottle. Then he offered it to Alistair, who stared at it with mild disgust, and then glanced at the rivulets of red liquid running through Oghren's matted beard.

"I think I'll pass..." the king said, shaking his head.

"Well you have to celebrate! After all you're going to be a father. Sure you'll do just fine on that front, pal. Well, Wynne seems to think so at least. Gotta give it to the woman. I laid my bet it would take you another ten years to knock her up. Course, that's better than Zev. He thought you'd never be able to do it." He laughed loudly again, then took another swig from the bottle. "Sure showed us didn't you?"

"Uh.... well I guess so... You were betting on it? Wynne too?" Alistair was beginning to feel a little disturbed at how much their little band concerned themselves with his love life.

"Yep." Oghren favored him with another slap on the back. "Well looks like the little lady is feeling the wonderful side effects of baby making." He said as Elissa came back into the room, unsteady and more than a little green. "Good luck getting back between those legs again!" He laughed as Alistair groaned and closed his eyes. Would the embarassment never end? "I'll leave you to it. Make sure to come downstairs later and celebrate with Zev and me. Wynne's got some of that fine ale from the Mage tower. Seeing as you're a man now and all..." He chuckled as he left the room singing some off-key dwarven drinking song.

Alistair opened his eyes to look at Elissa, whose amusement was too apparent. "Be glad you're heading off in a couple days, my love. You won't have to suffer any more of their teasing for a while."

"Maybe, but I will have to suffer being without you..." he wrapped his arms around her and she slipped into his lap, resting her head against his shoulder.

"I will miss you as well... but let's not think of that as well. I'm going to take some of Wynne's tea... and then," her grin was positively wicked, "We can do some celebrating of our own."


media: fic, challenges: sib, character: cousland

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