Party set up

Dec 14, 2009 16:00

Ladies I wish to inquire on your favorite party set ups.

I like to have two mages, a box opener and Alistair as a meat shield.
Usually this works out as mage PC, Morrigan, Leliana and Alistair or rogue PC, Wynne, Morrigan, and Alistair. I never roll warrior PCs because you get three warrior NPCs and the other classes only get two.

I just love Morrigan but other than Wynne's banter with Alistair I find her kind of dry and boring. I <3 having lots of mages tactically but I've found I'm taking the people I like best instead.

Shale is quickly becoming one of my favorites which is a little bothersome because I don't like so much melee in my party with two tankish guys and a rogue. In fact just re-spent Alistair's talents into two-handed weapons! it's so weird to see him without a giant shield. And I think I'll do the same and make my Lady of up-close blood and guts into an archer. Madness.

So my question would be about which characters you like best personally and which you like tactically and what is your happiest compromise.

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