Hello everyone!

Dec 07, 2009 14:33

Hi there. First post to the community. I love Alistair!! Edit: Now with doodly goodness?

I have a special offer for Dragon Age: Origins fans. Last night I registered the domain greywarden.net, and I'm setting up e-mail accounts for anyone who's interested. I also posted this to the Dragon Age forums, so if you check those frequently, you may have seen this before.

Google Apps has been configured to function with greywarden.net, meaning that all e-mail addresses will use a Gmail account interface with all of Gmail's many features. If you're unfamiliar with Gmail, you can read an overview at this site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gmail

Mail can be checked at mail.greywarden.net or easily forwarded to other e-mail addresses.

If you would like your own @greywarden.net e-mail address, please send a private message OR e-mail nadina[at]greywarden.net directly. In your request, please include the following:

Your Display Name (this doesn't have to be your real name)
Your Username (for example: Alistair, Duncan, etc. which will look like alistair@greywarden.net)

Please DO NOT post requests to this forum thread...I doubt I'll check it often, and it's likely to get buried, anyway. :( I'll try to bump on occasion.

Update: It looks like I can only create 50 accounts. Get yours before they're gone!

In regards to privacy and security:
1. I CANNOT VIEW YOUR E-MAIL. AT ALL. To do so, I would have to log directly into your account, which leads me to my next point...
2. I CANNOT VIEW YOUR PASSWORD. AT ALL. If your password is forgotten, Google will go through the process of restoring it for you. This usually involves a randomly-generated password that you will immediately have to change.
3. There is NO LOGGING of any kind. I can't even see whenever you're logged into your account.
4. All e-mail is handled by GOOGLE. I can't see it. I can't read it. It doesn't even pass through my domain.
5. When your account is set up, you're given a randomly generated password that you will immediately have to change upon logging in. That's the last time I personally touch your password.

As rightly pointed out below, there are security risks you take with ANY e-mail account you sign up for. I chose to use Gmail and Google because Google offers superior protection and privacy of e-mail accounts. The greywarden.net address is just for fun. You're effectively registering for a Google-owned Gmail account.

And now...my first attempt at an Alistair doodle:

That's it! :> I'm having fun browsing your community. Looking forward to reading more delicious fiction.

media: art, resources

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