Create a Banter

Dec 04, 2009 15:17

I really wish your PC could engage in the party banter merry making :( Yes, I know that would mean they'd have to do all of their lines like 100x over for every voice option you could give them, but it'd still be cute. So, I made my own. Maybe I'll post a couple more if anyone is interested in the idea. :D Anyone else have any PC personalized banter? I have no idea how to tag this, whether its fanfic or banter... Mods feel free to guide me. :D


Zevran- Alright, my pet. I've got one for you. Ogrhen or Wynne?

Kali- Ogrhen or Wynne, what?

Zevran- You know what I mean.

Kali- Oh. (laughs) ...Hmmm. I'd have to go with Wynne.

Zevran- Interesting. Alright, Wynne or Morrigan?

Kali- Oh, Wynne. No doubt at all.

Zevran- Really? Now you have me quite curious. Let me see... Ah, yes. Wynne or Leliana?

Kali- ...Leliana.

Zevran- (laughs) Ah ha! I knew it! This is fun, yes? Okay, Leliana or Shale?

Kali- Shale?! She'd kill everyone in sight! Are all Antivans as crazy as you?

Zevran- No, I am one of a select few. Alright, I shall count that as a win for the sister. What about Leliana or Sten?

Kali- ...

Zevran- And she hesitates! How scandalous!

Kali- Okay! ...Sten.

Zevran- Sten?!

Kali- He's just so big and tall and strong, how could I not?

Zevran- Well, I am shocked. And a little excited. Let me see, who is left? Sten or Alistair?

Kali- (pouts) Must I really choose? Can't I have them both?

Zevran- No, you can't have them both. It is against the rules. So make your choice.

Kali- (sighs) Alright, alright. I choose Alistair.

Zevran- (laughs) I knew it! You are so predictable.

Alistair- Ummm... I am standing right here, you know.

Kali- Yes?

Alistair- And you still talk like this, about me, even when I'm right in front of you?!

Kali- Of course, Alistair. You're strong, quick, flexible. I'd pick you to have my back in a pub fight over any of the others.

Alistair- I can't believe you, Kali! How could... Wait, what?

Zevran- And what did you think we were talking about?

Alistair- (sighs) Maker's breath... Just. Never mind.


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