I'm doing the
casestory bigbang this year, a ficathon based on a crime and investigation, and I'm setting mine in Kirkwall. The first draft is due in six weeks and I have just started writing it up. I'm looking for a beta reader for my fic, it'll be 10 chapters of about a thousand words each.
Title: Haven't decided yet.
Rating: T
Pairings: F!Hawke/Anders, Aveline/Donnic a brief mention of an OC/OC pairing.
Summary: Pre Act 3. Behind a locked door in the Viscount's Keep there is a corpse, a missing crown, and a mystery. Fortunately (or perhaps not) for Guard-Captain Aveline, she is friends with some of the biggest scoundrels in Kirkwall. If anyone can work out how this crime was committed, it would be them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll delete this post if it's not okay.