Title: Couper la Poire en Deux (6/6)
Game: Dragon Age: Origins
Pairing: Cauthrien/Zevran
Chapter Rating: T
Series Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 6435
Warnings: Vague reference to torture
Summary: Cauthrien has eight mercenaries, a set of stolen and borrowed equipment, seventeen years of training, a whole lot of anger, and an assassin to rescue. (
ff.net &
Notes: Post-game. This chapter has a few sections of Orlesian and Antivan, all with linked footnote.
The title translates to, literally, cut the pear in two - an idiom for compromise, or meeting halfway. All the "Orlesian" in the fic is being translated by
Adrienne and
IrishLassie. All the "Antivan" is courtesy of
Thank you so much to
smaragdina for being my beta! ♥ And thanks to all my readers who have sat through all the experimentation in this fic.
1 2 3 4 5 (
And you think my plan of rush the enemy until he's dead is pragmatic? )
(Also, mods, could there be a Cauthrien tag? :) )