What Doesn't Kill You (Part 1) FIC

Jun 15, 2011 08:08

This has... oh god, it's been in the works for MONTHS now.  I can hardly believe that I've managed to finish the first half of it.  I was going to wait until the whole thing was done before I posted this, but I'm sick of letting it sit on my comp unposted.  THEREFORE, I bring you all fic!

I'd like to thank bellaknoti  and ouyangdan  for beta'ing this for me.  I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH AND YOU MADE THIS FIC SO MUCH MORE BEARABLE.

Title:  What Doesn't Kill You
Pairing: f!Cousland/Alistair (implied), Zevran/Leliana
Rating:  PG probably, I really don't even know
Spoilers:  Mmm... several throughout Awakening.  If you haven't been spoiled by the game, you will be by reading this
Word Count:  7939
Summary:  Alexiandra Cousland tries to pick up the pieces of her disastrous situation while simultaneously attempting to be a Commander and Arlessa.  She is NOT amused.   Set in my 'Last Horizon' universe.

Livejournal is apparently a big lameo and can't seem to swallow my large word count.  Therefore, I shall send you all here!  TAKE THAT INTERNET!

media: fic, character: anders, awakenings, character: nathaniel, character: leliana, character: zevran, character: cousland

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