Fic: You Like Him

Jun 05, 2011 08:31

This wandered through my mind as I played my current run-through with a f!Hawke archer rogue. It's obviously set after Bait & Switch and Fenris Recruited.

Title: You Like Him
Characters: f!Hawke, Bethany, mentions of Fenris
Rating: PG
Summary: Hawke likes Fenris, Bethany knows this, teasing ensues
Author's Note: I do have Bethany as being slightly more teasing then the party dialogue implies. This is because my Sioned Hawke is a sarcastic little thing who knows when to toe the line and be nice and it makes more sense for Bethany to be more relaxed and tease when they're at home. I see Bethany as being more wary with others, not with the sister who has protected her all her life. Just my head!canon.

It was quiet in Gamlen’s home. Gamlen and Leandra were out at the market, Sioned was fletching arrows and Bethany was watching her sister, a tiny mischievous smile playing around her lips now that they were alone. Sioned was unaware of that. Fletching arrows took concentration, especially if you didn’t want them flying off the wrong way in the middle of battle and potentially burying themselves in the pert backside of a certain elf.

“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?”

Sioned gave a start and then swore as the feather she was working with was shoved out of position. She shifted it back in position on the arrow shaft and glared at her sister, wondering when she’d started reading minds.

“I am not... wait, which him?”


“I am not thinking about him.”

Bethany grinned. Her sister might have nerves of steel during a battle but at home Bethany could read her like a book. “Yes, you were.”

“Was not.” Sioned frowned at how quickly she been reduced to childish retorts. She always hated how Bethany could do that to her so easily. She usually never had trouble finding the right lie to tell. Why was it always so hard with Bethany?

“You flirted with him.” Bethany sounded entirely too smugly amused for Sioned’s liking. “Three times in fact.”

“I did not.”

“Yes, you did,” Bethany said cheerfully. “And he liked it.” She was completely unrepentant about the fact she’d been eavesdropping... and a little more... when her sister and Fenris had had their little chat after they’d recruited the elf.

Sioned frowned. It hadn’t looked to her like Fenris was impressed with her flirting. He’d just seemed awkward and had then brushed it off. Well, maybe not the last time but even that could have been taken as not being flirting as easily as flirting. “How do you know?”

“Ha!” Bethany browed with triumph and waved a finger at her sister. “You do like him.”

Sioned scowled at Bethany though it lacked any particular heat. Her little sister had been teasing her for as long as she could remember. “So what?”

“So what are you going to do?”


Bethany looked appalled. “Nothing? What do you mean nothing? You can’t do nothing. You like him. He likes you.”

“He’s also an escaped slave who still has his old master breathing down his neck,” Sioned countered.

“So? You hate slavers. Go shoot an arrow between his old master’s eyes.”

Sioned chuckled at that. “The thought had occurred to me.” She sobered. “It wouldn’t work though. Fenris wants to kill Danarius himself. He’d be angry if I did it for him.”

“Shoot an arrow through Danarius’ leg and then give him to Fenris. It could be a courting gift.”

“Bethany!” Sioned gave her sister an exasperated look then she sighed and her shoulders slumped a little. “I like him, yes, but I don’t know anything about him other than he was a slave, can do weird things because of those tattoos and he hates mages. I’m not sure it’d be a good idea.”

Bethany had to concede at least part of that was right. Fenris certainly hadn’t liked her too much, to the point where she’d been an ‘it’ to him. A thing. A monster probably. It wasn’t the first time it had happened and she’d always hated it but oddly enough, she hadn’t felt that same sense of shame and self-hatred when Fenris had done it. Strange really. She was curious about that which was at least part of the reason she was prodding at her sister like this.

“So... we bring him with us on a few jobs. Get to know him,” Bethany said. “I know you want to.” Her smile became positively mischievous. “So you can stare at his lovely backside mostly.”

“Bethany!” Sioned blushed and glared half-heartedly at her sister. She gave another exasperated sigh and snatched up the arrow she’d been working on, bending over it in apparent assiduousness. “Maybe. I’ll think about it.”

Bethany settled back and smiled to herself as she picked up a book. There. Just enough to poke her sister into action but not enough to make her draw back into her shell. It would be interesting to see what happened.

media: fic, character: f!hawke, character: fenris, character: bethany

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