Adam Howden recording today at Side Studios!

May 11, 2011 10:27

I don't know that this means but there's been some exciting speculation on Twitter...


A_HOWDZ Adam Howden

redleatheryellowleatherredleatheryellowleatherredleatheryellowleather & then onto my fav studio in London @ SideUK

FoxB Brooke Fox

@ A_HOWDZ @ SideUK Good luck! :D Can you tell us what you are recording for?

A_HOWDZ Adam Howden

@ FoxB @ SideUK No I can't! ;D

Qeilla Allie Q

@ A_HOWDZ @ foxb @ sideuk Must be something for Dragon Age. *fingers crossed*

A_HOWDZ Adam Howden

@ Qeilla @ foxb I will leave you to speculate. @ SideUK record for lots of great games so it could be any number of projects #mumstheword

MLoreley85 Lindsay B

@ A_HOWDZ @ Qeilla @ foxb @ SideUK Given that David Gaider, the lead writer for DA, has been conspicuously quiet on the forums.... :)

FoxB Brooke Fox

@ MLoreley85 @ A_HOWDZ @ Qeilla @ SideUK Oh please let it be true!!! #needsAndersDLClikewhoa

x-posted to knickerweasels

character: anders, dlc, da2, discussion

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