Hawke family ficlets

Apr 27, 2011 20:32

 Three (very) short stories about the Hawke family. Gen. More to come if I can ever get around to writing more.

1. Honeymoon
Author: Jakia
Word Count: 317
Summary: Malcolm and Leandra spend their honeymoon on a crowded boat headed towards Ferelden.

( This was not how Malcolm planned to spend their honeymoon. )

2. Happy Additions
Author: Jakia
Word Count: 229
Summary: Baby!Hawke vows to be the best big sister ever. Little kid fluff.

( Hawke didn't know what to think of the babies growing in her mother's womb. )

3. Children
Author: Jakia
Word Count: 309
Summary: Leandra spends too much time by herself. ANGST.

( For a woman with three grown children, Leandra Hawke spends too much time by herself. )

media: fic, character: leandra, character: f!hawke

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