Title: Foolish
Chapter: 2/10
Author: Jakia
Word Count: 3681
Summary: DA2 spoilers. The three years Varric didn't tell Cassandra about. Better summary under the cut. This chapter has past!Nathaniel/Anders, Nathaniel/Bethany, f!Hawke/Anders, Isabela/Fenris, and Zevran/Tabris.
You can find the first chapter here. A/N: A great many thanks to
odiedragon for beta'ing for me! I really appreciate it!
Also, I can't create a new story at fanficiton.net. Anyone else having similar issues?
"Bethany isn’t sure she’s going to like Antiva. In fact, she’s rather positive she’s going to hate it, much like how she hates boats, ex-Templars, darkspawn, sunburns, and Isabela." )