The Swooping_Is_Bad Icon Challenge!
We've done plenty of fanfic and art contests, lets try something out for people with other talents! (I got mod approval and everything, wow!) The rules for the icon challenge are simple, and I'm hoping it will be a lot of fun!
* Your icon must contain (as it's primary focus) at least one of the provided sacreencaps.
* You can use any other images you want (stock photos, etc) except other Dragon Age screen caps.
* Your icon must be usable on livejournal. (max 100x100 px, 40kb)
* By submitting an icon, you are allowing anyone to use it (With proper credit, once the icon makers are announced at the end of the week)
* Post your finished icon (Uploaded to webspace of your choice) as a comment to this post.
* At the end of the week (Around Saturday morning) A voting post will go up.
* Sunday evening, the winning icon will be announced and next week's screencaps put up.
* You may enter up to 4 icons in the challenge, each week.
* You'll get a banner announcing your win, if you'd like it for your LJ profile. Otherwise it's just for fun!
* Post them here, I'll unscreen to answer! :)
This Week's Caps:
Let's start with the Bannhammer himself... Teagan!
(Click for larger HQ version)