Lulzy fic recs?

Jan 30, 2011 21:08

So I was perusing the kink meme...I mean, I accidentally somehow found myself there, completely innocently of course, it's not like I went there ON PURPOSE or something that would be sick and wrong...and I ended up reading a fic that had me laughing so hard I peed a little. I know, TMI right? But it got me wanting to read more lolsy DA fics.

I know I could comb through's Humor listings, but I figure it's better to ask for recs here because you all have such fantastic taste.

So what's the funniest DA fic you ever read?

(BTW, the fic I was reading was this one, which was in answer to the prompt "Morrigan using her Alistair voodoo doll while he and F!Cousland are having sexy times- you know, for the lulz." I may never recover.)

media: fic, lolz, recs

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