Title: Home Pairings: Tora/Shou (implied) Rating: PG A/N: This is a short story that takes place at the end of Part 4, when Shou goes to Hokkaido for a family reunion.
I'm just recently trying to reconnect with my brothers, especially difficult in the wake of a terrible loss, so this really hit home for me. It's so important to be truly known by each other. Why is it so complex and difficult, so often, being known, having understanding and remaining close, with family?
I have to say I'm a bit surprised by the comment since you didn't seem to be a part of this fandom but I'm glad you liked it anyway. It's just a scene that came to me one day and I felt I needed to write it down.
Well, I'm not actually part of this fandom. (I'm not anti! and I certainly see the appeal :) I noticed the update to your journal and read it. In a way, you might say it's an even better review of your writing, as it says one can react to the writing itself. Of course, if you want to cast a sexy Japanese rocker in the main role - if you must, you must! I can take it!
...but I'm a little surprised by your reply, too, because I'm talking about family and you're writing about family, so don't you understand my relating to it?
No, it's not that I mind, I was just surprised you read it. This isn't original fiction, it's a fanfiction about specific people. And the way I write, I really want to make it a realistic story, I try to fit all my stories within the actual timeline and base them on actual facts and events. People don't often read fiction about bands they don't like. I do agree it is good to know what unbiased people think of your work.
Nicely done scene, and thanks for sharing!
I can take it!
People don't often read fiction about bands they don't like. I do agree it is good to know what unbiased people think of your work.
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