May 31, 2005 21:49
^__^ Today, I slept at 5 am with the sound of the birds chattering in my ears again. (good
morning, you lazy biyotch, they said. the sun loathes seeing your
slothful ass so early in the morning so go to sleep before it comes out!) I woke up at noon, but went on with a productive day, nonetheless.
I studied in the local library. (And for a few minutes, I was feeling
yuppie there, sipping coffee while reading at the adjoining Starbucks.
Nyahahahaha.) I was able to finish reading the Cardiovascular section
of the reviewer and was able to write another scene for the Yakitate
fic. Yay!
Go me.
(Right. >__>)
Tomorrow's goal would be: reviewing cardiac meds & practicing with
NCLEX test questions on CV system. And another scene for the Y!J fic,
of course. =)
That's pretty much it. O__o But I made the obligatory visit to the
treadmill and the happy neurotransmitters are still traipsing in my
blood stream. ^__^
If there's anybody out there with extensive
knowledge on aphrodisiacs, would that somebody kindly grace me with
their knowledge? Pretty please? XD It's for Monika Adeneur.
bad habits