Sep 20, 2009 23:21
I live!
I feel sorry for this poor LJ, not being used at all. Thinking I should go back to writing down my whinings instead of internalizing them---or worse, conveniently forgetting about them.
It's cold outside but hot inside the house. I'm having a headache, neck pain, & left shoulder pain, so yeah. And I'm too lazy to do anything to make this off-day happy.
Although, it's productive enough a day, methinks. :) I saw sunlight! At seven-thirty this morning! Yes, diurnal animal acted like a diurnal animal. *tears of joy* Went to church and listened to the sermon without spacing out. Went apple/peach/pear picking with rest of family and enjoyed (and took lots of pictures while thinking up off-color captions *___*). Went to outlet stores and didn't buy anything for myself. XD
So yes. Productive.
Except I'm still not finished with stupid fic. ()#$)(#$&%)(#*$ *frustrationsgahsplutterswannaquit*
Ok. I'm done with my tantrum. :)
woe is me,