another quick update...

Oct 20, 2006 08:53

It seems like all the time I have nowdays is for short updates, which is kinda odd considering that a few updates have been a bit long. Oh well... guess you all out there in LJ-land dont mind do you ;-)

Anyway I made another big step in my relationship with Judy yesterday. I actually suggested that instead of taking Johnny to the sitter when she goes to work that I watch him and pick up Sabrinia (her niece who on occassion watch Johnny) before I go to work. Hmm... scary three whole hours with a four year old by myself! Still I figured it is the best way to let Johnny to spend some time with me since Saturday evening was supposed to be 'Johnny time' but that is now replaced by church time. Tuesday is our 'date day' and will also become our small group/bible study evening, we are looking into a couple groups and hopefully will find one for this coming Tuesday.

Another thing that has happened is that I am now 200% no more thike 500% that she is indeed the one for me. On top of that I am also 500% that she truly believes in Christ and has the Holy Spirit. She told me of something that happened to her, how she was strongly convicted about this one issue and how she recieved reasurrance and comfort at the same time. She said she never felt anything like this before and it was overwhelming. I am just so excited, for my prayers have been answered. I wanted some reassurance from God that she is a believer before I commit my life to her.

Yes indeed I have found me my wife (to-be) and have found what is good, and have recieved favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22 - a verse she found for me :D

At church this weekend we will be picking up the marriage/wedding package and will be making our plans. We are not sure yet but we are going to be looking at a spring wedding so March or April. Mainly because the marriage class that our church has lasts from Jan thru first week of March, also a summer wedding would be too hot here in the desert, and finaly a fall wedding is way too far away. LOL

Ok I need to go now and head over to her place for some 'Johnny time'!!
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