I know! Also, apparently there's a thing with a parallel lines where you get bonus points (even if the points are all just you know, bragging rights) for doing two tropes in one fic for EACH of the five fics you need to make a bingo, as long as they match up.
I don't think my skills are up to that, but IMAGINE -
au: were / vamp / supernatural WITH holiday [This is what i would want to do, I mean, going on a HOLIDAY and then finding out there are supernaturally stuff? WIN!]
in vino veritas / drunkfic WITH cross-dressing [Hahhaha, or as many fandoms call it, Thursday]
immortality / reincarnation WITH huddled for warmth [Awwwww]
de-aged WITH forced to marry [hahaha ok, that is so wrong]
au: daemons WITH accidental baby acquisition [That's apparently the Pullman daemons and NOT just demons! I didn't even know that originally. That would probably be the hardest thing for me to write, I haven't read that in years and I've NEVER read that in fic]
OMG, pretend boyfriends/pretend marriage is SO WONDERFUL. And holy amnesia kink. I read the best one of any fandom (even though I wish the ending had, like, 3000 more words to flesh a few moments out) on AO3 in Teen Wolf the other day. It's in my bookmarks over there, if you find yourself in need of a really good amnesia fic.
I am SO GLAD you are interested in it! That makes two for sure readers for me, woot! \o/ (I'm sitting on 6400 words so far today, what is happen?)
Oh man, was that the 'rose by any other name' one or something like that? Because I read it the other day myself and was BLOWN AWAY by how good it was, and it may end up being my favorite fic in the ENTIRE FANDOM. I need to doublecheck and make sure I kudo'ed it.
(hahah, the problem with my kindle, I download massive amounts and then have to stick the kudo'able ones in other folders and it's HARD TO BE ORGANIZED)
Yes, and I absolutely agree with you, I really want to see them coming to terms with everything, but oh man, it was so great. I was having glorious Tabula Rosa flashbacks, and the way it worked in Supernatural as sorta of their inspiration was fantastic.
Heee, the amount of fic I have on my Kindle right now is Out of Control. And none of it is sorted by fandom and I swear to you, right now I just have this random MASS of Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Stargate Atlantis, Merlin, The Losers, Dark Knight, Avengers, Inception, Glee, One Direction, Hawaii 5-0, The Sentinel ... I mean, IF it has a lot of fic, I am trying to read it. I LITERALLY have about about 700 UNREAD fics (with a minimum word count of 10k) on there.
MY JAW DROPPED. That is a lot of fic. I've started organizing mine by fandom, but that's really only helpful online - it still shows up on the main page of my Kindle. BOO. But I've been good about deleting off files for stories that are atrocious, so that's got my numbers down considerably.
(I'm maybe pushing 100. Maybe.) I don't know how you keep them sorted! Then again, I bet you just open a story and dive in, huh? :)
Hhaha, I pretty much do. I mean, sometimes I literally just go to a RANDOM PAGE number and go 'lets try that title' and give it a shot. I mean, that's how I actually approach regular novels usually (and with series I'll usually just load only the first and if I like it enough to continue I'll add the rest in a go and read them all) and it sorta works out, except it's just ... it's weird.
Because it's just all these random fandoms and pairings and genres and tropes and always before it was like "I am reading THIS fandom now" until I ran out of fic/steam. But now I am just reading ALL THE THINGS FOR EVERYTHING and with Ao3 I am finding things FASTER THAN I CAN READ THEM. Or even start reading and reject!
It's glorious!
Although! For the first time in months I am reading an ACTUAL BOOK right now, I started Gone Girl last night and can't put it down. Well I mean, it's obviously 'down' right now but *as soon as I get back home* ...
Swm, it's time to admit it: you're a fanfic/word hoarder. THERE IS HELP FOR YOU.
I believe it's called "vacation." *sobs with want* Oooh, I do not know of Gone Girl, so I shall look into it! I picked up a dystopian novel called Seed that I am SUPER EXCITED about. (Paolo Bacagalupi recced it on his twitter feed and it looks gloriously sad and depressing!)
I mean, I went home for Christmas for what, 4 days? I loaded over 100 MORE FIC on to my kindle JUST so I wouldn't accidentally run out when I didn't have access to a computer, even knowing that I would be Doing Stuff the entire time. I HAVE A PROBLEM!!!
(I actually have probably 400 or 500 unread BOOKS on there as well, oh god)
You should look into it! It's by Gillian Flynn and it's about a man whose wife goes missing and is told in alternating viewpoints between him now and her diary/journal entries starting from their first meeting. Really great voices. And I will look into Seed because YES, DYSTOPIA! (hahha, I feel like that's probably an inappropriate amount of glee, and yet, it is how I feel)
And DUDE. That card is HARD. I don't know how I would make a Bingo, either! =/
I don't think my skills are up to that, but IMAGINE -
au: were / vamp / supernatural WITH holiday [This is what i would want to do, I mean, going on a HOLIDAY and then finding out there are supernaturally stuff? WIN!]
in vino veritas / drunkfic WITH cross-dressing [Hahhaha, or as many fandoms call it, Thursday]
immortality / reincarnation WITH huddled for warmth [Awwwww]
de-aged WITH forced to marry [hahaha ok, that is so wrong]
au: daemons WITH accidental baby acquisition [That's apparently the Pullman daemons and NOT just demons! I didn't even know that originally. That would probably be the hardest thing for me to write, I haven't read that in years and I've NEVER read that in fic]
Oh man, this is going to be great when all of these fics start rolling in. *rubs hands*
I am also VERY EXCITED about your bodyswapping fic!
I am SO GLAD you are interested in it! That makes two for sure readers for me, woot! \o/ (I'm sitting on 6400 words so far today, what is happen?)
(hahah, the problem with my kindle, I download massive amounts and then have to stick the kudo'able ones in other folders and it's HARD TO BE ORGANIZED)
HEE - I do the SAME THING with my Kindle. I make a point on Sunday night to go through and add things on the AO3. Great minds, etc. etc. :D
Heee, the amount of fic I have on my Kindle right now is Out of Control. And none of it is sorted by fandom and I swear to you, right now I just have this random MASS of Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Stargate Atlantis, Merlin, The Losers, Dark Knight, Avengers, Inception, Glee, One Direction, Hawaii 5-0, The Sentinel ... I mean, IF it has a lot of fic, I am trying to read it. I LITERALLY have about about 700 UNREAD fics (with a minimum word count of 10k) on there.
(I'm maybe pushing 100. Maybe.) I don't know how you keep them sorted! Then again, I bet you just open a story and dive in, huh? :)
Because it's just all these random fandoms and pairings and genres and tropes and always before it was like "I am reading THIS fandom now" until I ran out of fic/steam. But now I am just reading ALL THE THINGS FOR EVERYTHING and with Ao3 I am finding things FASTER THAN I CAN READ THEM. Or even start reading and reject!
It's glorious!
Although! For the first time in months I am reading an ACTUAL BOOK right now, I started Gone Girl last night and can't put it down. Well I mean, it's obviously 'down' right now but *as soon as I get back home* ...
I believe it's called "vacation." *sobs with want* Oooh, I do not know of Gone Girl, so I shall look into it! I picked up a dystopian novel called Seed that I am SUPER EXCITED about. (Paolo Bacagalupi recced it on his twitter feed and it looks gloriously sad and depressing!)
I mean, I went home for Christmas for what, 4 days? I loaded over 100 MORE FIC on to my kindle JUST so I wouldn't accidentally run out when I didn't have access to a computer, even knowing that I would be Doing Stuff the entire time. I HAVE A PROBLEM!!!
(I actually have probably 400 or 500 unread BOOKS on there as well, oh god)
You should look into it! It's by Gillian Flynn and it's about a man whose wife goes missing and is told in alternating viewpoints between him now and her diary/journal entries starting from their first meeting. Really great voices. And I will look into Seed because YES, DYSTOPIA! (hahha, I feel like that's probably an inappropriate amount of glee, and yet, it is how I feel)
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