In which I continue to make poor choices

Oct 22, 2012 09:07

Dear self,

Staying up late/getting up early to watch meteor showers is a GREAT idea in theory but oh man, it makes Monday mornings difficult! Last night BFF brought Nephbo 2.0 over at midnight and we hung out on my deck and looked for meteors and only found a few, but the peak was supposed to be the last few hours before dawn. So we said if we woke up, we'd do it again this morning. And swmkit woke me up at 5:45 and so instead of going back to bed, I texted her and she was indeed awake (BFF never sleeps, we think she's a vampire) and she went and got us coffee and then we watched more.

And the morning definitely was better, I saw a couple of really nice ones, but I am definitely toothpicking my eyes now, despite the extra large coffee.

In SUPER SHINY NEWS, my new Kindle Paperweight is SHIPPING SOON. Maybe (hopefully!!) even RIGHT NOW!!

(My old kindle is the 2nd generation one and is completely giving up the ghost, it runs out of juice every two days if I don't remember to charge it every night and that's just ridiculous and also the new one looks sooooo beautiful. I can not wait! Also, LOW LIGHT READING! I won't be stuck in just a few specific locations!)

Yours in tiredness,


As an antidote to said-tiredness, I now post a picture of Nephbos 1&2, taken right a few weeks after Nephbo 2 was born. Because I heart them so much.

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