If it isn't one thing...

Jul 13, 2014 14:28

It's another.

I've been running and doing my best to get into shape before the wedding. I want my suit to fit. I want to look fucking hot because I already am sure I'm going to have one of those jaw dropping drooling moments when I see Amanda for the first time in her dress, and I want to do the same to her.

I've got a running buddy and we've gone 3 times a week for almost a month now.
Last week she was out of commission because she sprained her neck.
Today we were able to run for the first time since her injury.
And now, I'm at home and in bed with a spasm on the right side of my back.

I'm really hoping that it will resolve itself fairly quickly. I can't afford to lose a week of working out to recuperate.

I've been told that I'm already toning up. I don't see the difference so much myself, but I trust the person who's told me.
I've got just over 2 months to get ready. Less than that really, I've got to get my suit fitted still, so I have about a month or so.

I know I can and will do it.
I'm just hoping my back agrees with me.
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