Claims 2

Jul 24, 2012 19:09

We still have 7 stories that remain unclaimed. They have been reposted here for your convenience.

  • Each story can only be claimed once
  • If you claimed a story in the last round and would like to claim another now, you can
  • We will post subsequent rounds for any unclaimed stories
To claim a story, read the list under the cut and respond with the following:

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A mod will tell you which story is yours.


Title: Hellhounds of Baskerville
Type: Action, Romance, Angst
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Lucifer, Sherlock, John, 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory (pairings: Dean/Cas, Sam/Lucifer, possible John/Sherlock, Amy/Rory)
Warnings: Violence, dub-conSummary: After the explosion at the pool, John and Sherlock follow Moriarty's trail to America. Meanwhile, Sam finds an article in the paper about mysterious deaths in a small town in Virgina and, desperate to keep Dean's mind off of the losses of Cas and Bobby (and hoping to distract himself from the hallucinations of Lucifer plaguing him) he drags Dean along. Both groups find themselves in Baskerville, and that's just the beginning.


Title: Trial By Existence
Type: Drama/Suspense
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel, John/Sherlock, Moriarty/Moran, slight Lucifer/Sam
Warnings: Slight angst and some suicidal thoughts, mentions of torture
Summary: Sherlock finds out he's a time lord from his now grown up ex-companion Mycroft. John is an ex-hunter who's trying to barter his soul to bring back a man who isn't dead. Dean has just gotten his brother and angel back and the feelings he's having for said angel aren't exactly pure. Castiel is back from the dead but thrown into a different past. Jack Harkness is just along for the ride.
The unlikely heroes are off to find Lucifer who's taken Moriarty's body as a vessel and Sebastian now owes the Devil. Chuck is God in human form who's being used as bait for a much bigger fish; a fish who can rewrite what was written. Fate. But rebooting the universe is never an easy task.

Title: The Blackest of Nights
Type: Apocalypse / pseudo end-verse
Characters/Pairings: Destiel, Johnlock
Warnings: Drug use, blood, self harm
Summary: The universe is falling apart. Without any kind of gods or higher supernatural creatures left to keep watch (the Angels are all dead and even death has left the building), there are holes in the universe forming everywhere, and some people are slipping through them into other, parallel time frames with slight differences. The problem is that it's getting extreme and things are happening that shouldn't be happening, like demons killing and possessing in London and aliens screwing around in the midwest, oh, and the Doctor has come back to Earth, but so has River and Captain Jack.

Over in West Texas where Team Free Will is investigating a case that closely resembles a demon possession, Cas is falling and absolutely broken, and as close to his end verse self as ever. Dean and Sam are none the wiser, because by tricks of fate and maybe some kind of universal forgiveness, he's falling all over the places between parallel universes. One moment the brothers have caught him drinking till he was past drug, the next it never happened.

In London, John ans Sherlock have been assigned by the police department to investigate a series of murders, where friends and family of the victims saw them hours before their deaths, the only problem being that according tot he autopsy, they had received fatal wounds sometimes even months before they had died. In all 7 cases the victims' behavior had changed dramatically in the time between their death and when their body was found. Sherlock is vacillating between different variations of the time stream where he never gave up drugs and he did. Both teams are met up by The Doctor who is attempting to build a team to resolve the problem.

Title: For God's Best Intentions
Type: meta-Au
Characters/Pairings: primarily Misha/Seb, J2M, Wincestiel, Benedict/Martin, Sherlock/John
Warnings:(non con, mpreg, etc) mpreg, knotting, Sera Gamble as a bad guy
Summary:(no more than three paragraphs) The pacl has never seen in the outside world, not for hundreds of years. But after this years batch of new pups, things change, and one member of the pack threatens to turn over their government as they know it. No one knows much about Misha, but he seems to know something everyone else doesn't, and when look-alike strangers show up from seemingly nowhere, his plans go down a lot faster than even he expected.


Title: "Shadows of a Broken Psyche"
Type: Mental Hospital!AU
Characters/Pairings: Characters - Sherlock, John, The Doctor, Sam, Cas, Dean, Bobby, Ellen, Rufus, Molly, Claire (mentioned), Moriarty, Moran; Pairings = Cas/Dean, Dean/Sam (brothers), Sam/Molly, Moriarty/Moran (partners, not romantic), Sherlock/John (roommates/friends)
Warnings: every dark theme under the sun. TW: Suicide, TW: Dark themes, TW: Blood, TW: Self-harm, TW: Death, Major Character Death (so far; I'm sure more will come)
Summary: Someone died, and most were too busy worrying about whether their tongues would be cut from their throats than the man on the gurney. But the ones that still had eyes, that weren't so blinded from the nightmares, they would soon learn it wasn't just an ordinary death; it was murder. The world (their world, not the outside world, they weren't allowed to go farther than the fences, those damn fences blocked their chance at freedom, you know) relied on six who saw everything from Heaven to Hell and back again. The world needed help, and they were it.
God help them. 'God isn't here right now, please leave a message after the beep.'

Title: The Miracle of Claire Novak
Type: (not totally sure what should go here so I'm guessing?) Eleventh Doctor, SPN AU after Castiel's death, missing three years while Sherlock is not in London, and John is.
Characters/Pairings: Claire Novak/Molly Hooper, platonic John/Sherlock, Doctor/TARDIS, Doctor/River, Dean/Cas, Dean/Sam, strong friendship Molly/Sherlock
Warnings: Incest, sexual situations, a fair amount of blasphemy. Possibility of gore later on.
Summary: Claire Novak is wandering , Sherlock Holmes has thrown himself off the roof of a hospital and landed in a Florida basement, Canton Everett Delaware III is finally taking his husband on that Miami vacation he’d always promised - with a nasty twist involving a hostage situation apparently orchestrated by chubacabras, the demon Jim Moriarty, and the notorious Winchester brothers. In London, John hears screaming voices and snow on the television; Mycroft calls in Torchwood to clear up the mess. Moriarty thinks Sherlock is an angel, the angels are aliens with a species-wide abandonment complex, Dean, Claire, and Molly babysit an infant in the Everglades, and the Doctor shouts at some Leviathans and fixes things.

Title: The Demons Have the Phonebox
Type: Adventure, Slash
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Sam, John/Sherlock, Mycroft, the Doctor (11th)

Warnings: None
Summary: The Doctors Tardis has gone missing and he decides to call upon his good friend Mycroft to help him recover it. Mycroft knows just the man for the job. Sherlock and John find themselves on an adventure with the Doctor where they learn of the existence of angels and demons and in hot pursuit of a time machine. They end up across the pond where they team up with the Winchester brothers who then join their mission to rescue the Tardis.

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