Dec 02, 2006 01:31
Memory # 3
Location: La Porte, Colorado
Grade Three.
Moving to a new city is always difficult, but even more so when your family has no source of income.( I dont want everyone to think that my whole life has been so sad or that everyone should see me differently for what I have been through, I just want to write about things in my life that have really effected how I grew to become the person I am today. ) The motel* we moved into in La Port was a really traditionally trashy establisment, the carpet was rough textured and that deep puke olive color. everything else was pretty generic. My mom was allowed to come visit us for some reason so she flew in and stayed with us for about a week at the hotel. It is so hard to think about being a sane human being in that situation, and I definitely couldnt have survived as well if I wasnt so youthfully ignorant. This time in my life is the only experience I have ever had with literally starving. The Church agreed to pay for the Hotel while my dad looked for a job, and in the mean time we were just sitting there with absolutely no money to do anything. I was going to school and was fortunate enough to be on a free meal plan, but that lunch at school was the one thing I ate all day. I remember being so hungry at lunch time and trying to eat far past what felt comfortable just because I knew I wasnt going to be eating until the same time tomorrow. Christmas break was more of a hell of a punishment than a fun vacation that year. Not only was I cut off from my most reliable source of food, but we got NO TOYS! ha. My grandma had mailed us kids presents for Xmas and of course it was clothes like always, But we decided as a team, us kids to take the clothes back to the store (walking in the snow uphill) and then to buy groceries with the money. I am pretty sure that is the first time I have seen my dad cry. I'm sure he went on to share that story with a church group of some sort and they all thanked god and teared up and held hands. One thing I remember specificly about going back to school, is that the lunch lady began to ask me what I ate for breakfast everyday, and I would lie and make up things because I knew what a Social Worker was and I did not want to be taken away from my family. What a scary thought for a third grader huh? There are so many strange stories about La Porte, simply because it was a gross nothing town with a bunch of mid western poor trash families in a wooded environment. I am glad that I am starting to write some of this down but it is also a little overwhelming because I could never begin to tell you everything. I am more than happy to listen just as much as I talk.
That is all for nowwwwww
Love Cammy