Brittany I can't believe you farted with me standing right there, you know how I get! I don't care how many times you did it when we were up in the lib...I CAN'T SMELL ANYTHING UP THERE! So why must you continue to do it?! Oh you don't know? ME EITHER SO STOP DOING IT!
Yeah I know it's natural. I do it all the time lol. But don't you ever notice that when I have to, I say hold on I gotta fart and WALK AWAY! At least I'm considerate about peoples smelling feelings lol. Next time I'm going to do it right by you and not even tell you until after you smell it :D
So why must you continue to do it?! Oh you don't know? ME EITHER SO STOP DOING IT!
I love you Coach Swit<3
I DOnt Know WHat I WOuld DO without THat Stunt Group.
and Farting Is JUst Natural WOMAN !
Love YOu.
Coach Carla in 2 Weeks.
Love you Coach Brit =)
until the dance I couldnt hold it and T would get mad.
So I Just LEt it go.
but i told samantha and chels.
but yeaa
Love YOu Coach Carla in 2 Weeks.
Kay Ill Try Your Advice Though Okay?
Good Enough Fro YOu?
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