Sep 25, 2005 13:12
the reason why sex hurts
Okay, so on the news yesterday there was a girl who submitted a tape and it was a phone conversation between the girl and her boyfriend. This is how is went
Amber: Ronny, are you gonna come over tomorrow to meet my mom, because she really wants to meet you.
Ronny: Of course, honey. I know how much this means to you. When should I come over?
Amber: Maybe six...Hey Ronny, what's that tapping sound?
Ronny: What? I don't here anything. It's probably just in your head, sweetheart.
Amber: Quit joking aroound, Ronny, stop making that noise. It's getting louder.
Ronny: I don't joke, you know that. I love you too much to joke.
Amber: It's starting to hurt my ears I cant beleive you don't hear that! What? there's someone at the door, be right back.
Ronny: Hey, honey.
Ronny was at the door, holding a cell phone and a butcher's knife. He slaugtered Amber and when her parents came at six the next day he killed them too.
If you don't repost this bulletin in two hours, Amber will crawl out from under your bed in your sleep and kill you until your dead. The last thing you will see are her rotting eyes and the phone...still in her hand and repost this with the title
"the reason why sex hurts"
(Kill you until your dead. Huh.)
ON A LIGTHER NOTE. OH MY GOD HOMECOMING WAS SOOOOO FUN! Megan came home to help with my makeup but I struggled because I got deorderent all over me and ugh. So I was like 30 minutes late for Melanie's and missed all the pictures :( We went to dinner and the waitress was so nice! But she dropped a plate and got it slattered all over Jules but only al ittle bit. So she payed for her dinner and everyone gave her a good tip. I liked her. :)
So we got to the dance at 8 but we had to wait for everony then Melanie, Molly and I danced a lot and then yeah :) It was soo fun but really, really hot. I was also depressed because Bob wasn't there and I was mad at myself for not inviting him. I sort of had a guy I wanted to dance with too but during the slow dance I went to get a drink and when I came back he was dancing with my friend. Oh well, win some lose some.
So then afterwards we went bowling in our homecoming dresses :D The people at the bowling place were nice. On my team it was myself (Sexy Switty), TG (Darkness Darkness), Amy (Starving Artist) and Andrea (Andrea heart emo, she went boom. or gutterball queen) Our team kept procastating so everyone finished before us but in the second game Andrea didn't hit a single pin until like the 6th frame so everyone clapped when she did and some guys next to us clapped for her too. Then at one point she threw the ball into the air, rolled it on the gutter so the thing that hits the pin hit it and it came back at us and TG had to get it, and then she fell. Oh my god it was so hilarious I'm laughing right now.
Then at like 2 I went back to Melanie's and we started to watch the Ring. I was already scared in the beginning so I fell asleep :) I woke up at 10:30 then I went upstairs and we watched Laguna Beach.
My legs and feet are sooooo sore. But luckily I have no homework so I can just chill all day :D