Still awake. Wired. And since Naptown isn't up yet, I need an outlet for this kinda thing.
There's some fantastic work being done on movie marketing these days and gritty-retro seems to be the order of the day. First off, there's Tarantino and Rodriguez's double-feature "GRINDHOUSE"...
And another movie with Samuel L. Jackson + a "Snake Title" that has a very intriguing premise, but alongside these KICK-ASS posters, it's suddenly a MUST-SEE. LOOK at that shit! I will see this movie based on these posters alone. THAT'S how awesome these are. THAT'S how much of a tool I am.
Mmm-mmm... so damn slick.
Here's the premise, by the way:
“God-fearing bluesman named Lazarus who takes extreme measures to help a sexually promiscuous young white girl (Christina Ricci) conquer her demons.” AND (according to "He does this by chaining her to a radiator (!)."
I'm there.
Next, unfortunately, I have to shake my finger at The Prestige poster. For two reasons.
(1) What does this poster tell you about the movie? ... ... ... go ahead, keep wondering, I can wait... ... ... ... anything? No? Well, it's asking you, "Are You Watching Closely?" Hmm, okay. What the living fuck does that mean? It's as if the studio gave the artist a few pics from the movie and just didn't have the time to give him any info beyond who's been cast. "Uh, uh, there's Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman, both of them are... concerned. They love a woman! It's a love triangle. And the woman, she's elusive... like... smoke..."
UGH!!! It's sickening. I wonder if it was made by the same guy who did this:
That's the second reason I hate this poster, by the way. Cuz it looks exactly like Kiss the Girls.
All it would've taken was just the SLIGHTEST bit of imagination to come up with something as appetizing as those other posters above. The movie is about some dueling magicians in Victorian era London. I refuse to believe NOBODY had thought that maybe, JUST MAYBE, it might've been cool if they did some posters like these:
With illustrated versions of Christian Bale, Jackman, Scarlett Johansson. Ohhhh, man, that would've been beautiful.
Whatever. Hollywood. Sometimes it surprises you, but most times... nope.