May 30, 2006 11:50
I'm beginning to think I've bitten off more than I can chew... AGAIN.
I'm being stretched way too thin here. I shouldn't have tried to overcompensate for the past two years by filling a year's worth of work into one summer.
I really, REALLY don't give a shit about Joe's movie anymore. The fact that he didn't call me to tell me the first shoot was cancelled when I had already driven 40 fucking minutes to Greenwood with a car packed to the brim with lighting and camera equipment, just really turned me off. Yeah, he sent me an email, and, yes, I should've checked it before I left the house, but I'm pretty sure I'm justified in being pissed off here. I mean, shit. The shoot being cancelled the DAY OF THE SHOOT is something worthy of a phone call.
Basically ever since then I've been pretty turned off to his movie. I was all hyped up that day and I had planned out all the shots and lighting setups... and then that happened. So I've switched over to working feverishly on The All-Nighters, and now I don't think I have much room left in my head for "Electric Moonlight"... by the way, FUCK that title. I still haven't mentioned the title change to him. I think he's pretty attached to it.
HOWEVER, I haven't totally ditched his movie. I mean, I'm not going to be nearly as helpful to him in regards to pre-production anymore. My job is solely to shoot it the right way. My job is NOT to hold his hand through the whole fucking production. He's the director. Outside of actually shooting and lighting the damn thing, it's not my problem.
Anyway, this Friday I'll be meeting with this woman at YMCA to go over what I need for the first week of July. I've been hired to teach a week-long videomakers' camp for a bunch of 9-11 year olds. I initially asked for $500 for a week's work. But she talked me down to $300, because the "Y" is on a pretty limited budget for their summer programs. Whatever. It's only a week long and it's a good thing to put on the resume. Plus, if it goes extra well, it could lead to more work.
I won't know whether I've won until this Thursday, but Chris and I submitted a few short films to: I made one, Chris made one and then we worked on one together. Grand prize is $5000 and there's $500 prizes for the best entry in each category. Well, a few days ago I got an email saying my entry is a finalist... that's all I'm saying right now. I don't want to jinx anything.
Lastly, on top of everything, my parents are really getting on my back about my 'future', as if that hasn't been the #1 thing on my mind since high school. Granted, I can't blame them for freaking out. I'm pretty good at being secretive and I really haven't told them ANYTHING of my plans for the next year or so. They didn't even know I'd ditched IUPUI until LAST WEEK. Ouch. So... needless to say, it's a little tense in the house. They think ditching IUPUI means I'm done with college, PERIOD. The fact is, I'm completely open to and WANTING to apply to other schools. They're so obsessed with me getting a degree, just because they didn't, that they want to me to just "take what I can get". What a fucking waste of money THAT would be. I am not going to spend four years (actually more) at a school that feels like a fucking JOB. IUPUI is NOT a good school for someone like me. Not at all. The only way I'm going to another college is if I can live on campus and completely immerse myself in it. IUPUI's commuter/school-as-a-hobby campus just makes me want to scratch my eyes out. Not EVERY school works for EVERY person. The only reason I went to IUPUI in the first place was because I was really down in the dumps and more or less convinced that I had no talent as a "filmmaker". Well, over two years of school, I kind of woke-up. And now the urge is back. So why stay? It doesn't make any sense to me. What makes sense is finishing The All-Nighters. Sending it to little festivals. Saving up. Applying to a school I REALLY want to go to. Moving out. That makes perfect sense to me. Will it work out exaclty as planned? No. It already isn't. But that's life.