Summer Wind Chime Love Story (Chp. 3)

Feb 09, 2013 05:45

Title             : Summer Wind Chime Love Story
Author         switenana
Request by haachin
Plot by         haachin
Pairing        : YamaCHii
Genre         : Romance, friendship, sweetness, fluffly, angsty, school life
Rating         : PG - 13
Summary   : Chinen is a very lovely, kind and cute young boy. He's just an ordinary student of Horikoshi Gakuen. On the other side, Yamada is also handsome and cute but this guy is different from Chinen, he's very famous in their school. What if one summer day, they meet each other in riparian? What will happen to both of them?

“I give it to you as a gift for our first meet. I hope it can bring you luck. I gotta go now.” Chinen smiled as say that.

“No…please don’t go, Chii….” “I really want to say that, demo….where is my voice? Where is it? Where does it go?” thought Yamada. He tries hard to reach Chinen, but the boy’s getting far, far and going far from him. “Please don’t go!!!” he tries it again and again, but his voice doesn’t come out.

“I can’t be with you Ryo-chan, Hontou ni gomen.” Chinen keep walk away from him.

“PLEASE….NO….CHINEN….CHINEN….PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME.” tears come out from Yamada’s eyes. As he wake up and open his eyes, his hand tries to reach the canopy.

“Ryo-chan….what happened?” his sister come to his room as heard Yamada scream. “Are you ok?” Yamada wipes his tears in hurry.


“You’re sweating.

“I’m ok. Just….just a nightmare.” he giggle, like there’s something funny happened just now.

“Hontou?” his sister still worried about him.

“Yup.” said Yamada in smile. “I’m ok. Don’t worry about me. Maybe because it’s summer, the hot weather makes me get nightmare easily.” he still keeps smiling.

“Um, ok. I hope you’ll be ok….um… the way, who is Chinen?”


“You scream out his name for a few times. Is….”

“Did I?”

“Yeah, you called that name almost all the time. Who is that?”

“No one.” said Yamada lie. “Only an old friend.”

“Souka….” she almost walks away from Yamada’s bedroom, but then she looks to Yamada again with worried face. “Ne Ryo-chan. It’s summer already, deshou?” Yamada nod. “….and…your summer vacation is tomorrow, deshou?” Yamada nod again. “Well, I can’t be at home for awhile. I’ll spend all my holiday with my boyfriend and our parents are visiting grandma, so….no one at home. That’s why I need your help, please keep this house, and don’t burn it, ok?”


“Just kidding. Well, I gotta go now. Matta na.” she kiss Yamada’s chin.

“Ergh, I’m not a kid. I…”

“I know - I know.” she chuckled and drag her bag.

“And….what time is it?” with his weird voice after he wake up, messy hair, he tries to get up from his bed while rubbing his eyes.

“It’s already 10.25 pm. Ah, I need to go. Gomen. Jaa ne.” she said and run in a rush as she heard car horn is ringing. It’s her boyfriend after all and his family.

Yamada sighed. As he look to outside, he find the sun already sleep. It’s so dark outside, only some street lamps are lighting the road. He lean his head on the wall over the window while his hands in his pocket. Seems like his thought doesn’t with him right now. As he keep silent and look around on the street, suddenly his wind chime clinks on his window. He looks on that wind chime and didn’t see what’s on the road at that time.

“Ryo-chan…” he feels someone call him and Yamada try to find the source. It’s like the voice come from the darkness, from the street. He looks around, but he can’t find anyone.

“Maybe it’s only my feeling.” he tells himself. He back to his bed and just rolling on it. Then keep silent for awhile and let the wind blow his wind chime, make such a beautiful sound. It’s hanging on one of his finger while the other hand props up his head. “I wish I know what happened to him before. I wish I know what he really want. I wish I can see his smile again and….” suddenly his nightmare back to him. “I….” he’s shivering. “I really wish he doesn’t go away from me, doesn’t leave me alone and keep stay on my side.” he grabs the wind chime so tight. “Kamisama….please….grand my wishes.” whispered Yamada.

“I wish I can be on your side and all of this problems solve.” said someone out there. He hides himself behind a big tree nearby Yamada’s house.

“Arghhhh…..I can’t sleep again.” Yamada get up from his bed. He looks on the clock and sighs. “It’s already 11 pm. How can I close this eyes?” he’s rubbing his eyes like he want it close to him and let him forget about the nightmare that he had before and about everything that is in his mind all this time. “Umph, better I go out for awhile I guess. Um….” he looks to the dark sky. “And I hope it’s not raining.” At that time, suddenly Yamada figure out something is different on the street. There’s someone behind the tree. Even though it’s only a shadow, he doesn’t know why his feeling asked him to meet that person. He tries to think that’s impossible to know who’s behind the tree and it might be not a person he knew. He tries hard to think like that, but actually his feeling, his little heart still keep asking him to meet that person. Finally, after duel between his thought and his feeling, he decides to go out and meet that person. He takes his jacket and go out. “What the hell with this season. It should be hot in summer, demo…it’s pretty cold tonight.” he mumbles all the time he walks out. “HEY….ANYONE THERE?” he’s asking. He crosses his hands above his chest as try to keep warm. But there’s no one answer him. “Don’t tell me it’s a ghost.” he said to himself in his mind. He keeps walking; try to get closer to that one. “Hello….” he tries to be friendly.

“Don’t come closer!” whispered hidden person. But the wind blow hard, cause Yamada can’t hear clearly what that people said to him.


“Please don’t come closer!” said that person again.


“You shouldn’t know me.”

“So….it means I already know you, deshou? Then….tell me! Show me yourself!” asked Yamada, but there’s no reply. “Why’d you keep silent?” asked Yamada and become closer to that one. When he reaches that big tree, he didn’t find anyone. He rolling his eyes to look around and his eyes capture that figure that’s running away from him. He doesn’t want to lose that person and stay with his curiosity. He tries hard to find out where is that person. Then….he captures something different on the road. He slants his eyes to see that figure clearly. “MATTEEEEE…..” shouted Yamada as his eyes capture that figure. He tries hard to run after that figure. He really curious about that one. “CHOTTO MATTEEEE….” he still keeps shouting. But that figure keep running away from Yamada.

When they go through the street lamp, Yamada figure out who is that figure eventually. He tries hard to run faster till finally he can reach that one.

“Why you’re still chasing me?” asked that figure so quietly as he stops his step.

“Because it’s you.” said Yamada breathlessly and in a rush. “I…..I want to know….why were you hiding from me?”


“Yup, you keep staying behind the tree, don’t you?”


“You’re not good in lying me. Don’t you know that….Chii.” finally Yamada can breathe normally. “And….please don’t asked me to run, I’m not good in running.” Yamada said it in smile. Chinen only keep silent like he always. The older looks him in a little mad or…maybe he only acts like he’s mad. “Why you always keep silent?”

“Just release my wrist.”

“Ah, um….sorry.” But, when Yamada release Chinen’s wrist, that little boy try to run away. In sigh, Yamada said, “how dare you want to run away from me again? Answer my question first before you go. How can you be so impolite, huh? Who’s teaching you like this?” Yamada make a joke like he is Chinen’s teacher.


“Huh? You learn it from me? Learn to be impolite? Demo…demo….I’m a polite person. Don’t you….”

“Don’t you remember about the moment you took my lunch without I know it? Are you still considering yourself as someone polite? I guess you’re not.” said Chinen sharply.

“Um….well….gomen for that.”

“I gotta go.” Chinen try to release his wrist from Yamada’s grabbing.

“No….don ‘t go! I still have a question for you.”

“What’s that?”

“You really don’t remember me?” Chinen just give a nod without any comment. Yamada hesitantly looks on him. “Hontou?” Chinen keep nodding, but Yamada still looks hesitant.

“Is it what you want to ask?” Chinen doesn’t look in mood to do anything event to answer the question from Yamada. “If the question is only that question, then I prefer to back home. Jaa ne.” he take a step to go when suddenly Yamada stop him to walk away.

“NO….” shouted Yamada. “Please don’t go.”


“I’m….I’m afraid. My family aren’t at home.” he said it in low tune like he afraid if someone hear what he already said.


“Is it ok if you stay over my home tonight? Moreover, it’s almost late night. Don’t you afraid to walk home alone?” Yamada tries to persuade Chinen. He looks deeply to Chinen. He really wants that boy accept his offering. But, Chinen keep silent again. Yamada still look on Chinen, but…seems like the youngest space away. “What do you think about it?” he tries to get Chinen back, but that chibi still space out. “Chii….what happened?” Yamada grab Chinen’s wrist suddenly to bring him back. It’s shocked Chinen, he almost jump away as feel the touch of Yamada. His hand is really cold like a ghost and his face is so pale. “Chii…..what happened?” he asked again.


“What do you think about stay over in my house?”

A/N : Minnaaa...........genki ka?
well, here you are the next chapter
I'm sorry to take a little bit long time to post this one
because the connection was suck
Ne, please have fun and feel free to read this fics
and also...feel free to leave comment ^-^
Gomen ne for bad english and wrong typing
Actually I don't know what I wrote, hahaha


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