Nov 25, 2004 20:32
Bueller? Bueller?
Ok a lil spacey right now.. think I ate too much. Thanksgiving is a anti-prohibition of food as Sam so gracefully put it. All we hear these days is...."IM FAT!" "IM GOING ON A DIET!" "SCREW FOOD, IF I LOOK LIKE A LINE ALL THE HOT BOYS WILL GO FOR ME!" Okay. Now I wouldn't mind dropping like 5 pounds, but I mean come on! When was the last time you thought, oh I would rather be a starving, mal-nourished child than be sitting here eat steak, cookies, or what ever the heck you wanna eat. Yes siree. That's something I'm thankful for. That I can stuff my face, be a glutton, and live the American way of eating greasy-drive thru food ( Wendy's new burger. Perfect example ), high calorie; no-nutrition food, and lie like a sack o' taters on the couch in the process. And yea the people who know me know I run it all off later, but its the fact that I can do it that makes me happy. I like to eat. I find it enjoyable. I'll be the girl sitting there buying some five buck thing at McDonalds instead of going to some "high class" place and order a 30 dollar meal to find a thing of parsley and half a carrot stick on the plate. Mm. Cardboard.