This is the sign-up post!
I will mail out all assignments by 11:59 GMT on the 6th of July. Please send me a confirmation email when you receive your assignment.
Please read the rules:
here before signing up.
I would like to reiterate that if you sign-up, you are expected to contribute. If, for any reason, you find that you are unable to finish your assignment, please contact me as soon as possible so I can acquire a pinch hitter.
If you are writing a fic, please have it checked over by a beta. If you cannot acquire a beta on your own, contact me as soon as possible. I will help you find one.
Please state clearly everything you want and don't want on your fic/art. I can't assume that you may or may not like something. This is so you and your giftee won't be disappointed.
The due date is September 1st. Posting begins on September 14th.
Please include:
LJ Name:
Email Address:
::For what you will receive::
Preferences for fic or art: (Which one would you prefer to receive? Baring in mind there's a possibility because of numbers you may not get your preference)
Kinks: (These need not be sexual)
Rating: (What is the highest rating you want to receive?)
Squicks: (Things you do NOT want in your gift.)
Possible Prompt/Scenarios: (Please list possible things you may like to see in your gift, but do not be overly specific by stating line by line what you'd like to see. For example: Niou and Yagyuu find each other 10 years on is good.)
::For what you will produce::
Fic/Art: (Will you be creating fic or art?)
Rating: (What is the highest rating you're willing to write/draw?)
Squicks: (Things you are NOT willing to write/draw.)
Age Statement: (State that you are at least 18 years of age.)
Previous Exchange Participation: (If you have previously participated in an exchange, please list the exchange and the person you created for.)
NameLJ username: E-mail Address: ::For what you will receive::Preferences for fic or art: Kinks:Rating:Squicks:Possible Prompts/Scenarios: ::For what you will produce::Fic or Art:Rating:Squicks: Age statement:Previous Exchanges: