How the Obama Campaign plans to get YOU to donate.

Aug 06, 2012 21:38

Right, so one time I decided to give the Obama campaign my email address in order to enter a chance to win at coffee with the President. Because, I thought, "What fun if I won!"  And because the website told me I didn't have to actually donate in order to register a chance. Well, I suspect the website lied, because it never actually TOLD me I was entered, it just asked me for "$3 or whatever you can".... but now I get pleading fundraising emails weekly, if not daily. this one is the latest. I've included it for your perusal, along with my thoughts (because, that's what the internet is for, right? My thoughts that no one cares about :D)

{Thank GOODNESS! only 92 more days of this RIDICULOUSNESS}

{Oh look how much money people are spending on Romney.... I don't know if that makes me excited or disgusted...}

{Here's where I start to get annoyed: #1 - NO MENTION of the fact that the democrats are ALSO using superPACS to raise money for Obama, and that they're failing miserably. Also billionaires, except the billionaires on the left just aren't really donating this time (according to an article I read somewhere a few months ago). #2 - I'm assuming that mentioning billionaires and faceless superPACS is supposed to make me, the little guy, feel like I'm.... I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to feel like, except upset at billionaires and superPACS.  Being manipulated into class warfare pisses me off.}

{I would like to pause here and just mention that I have seen ZERO campaign signs for Obama or Romney ANYWHERE in the mid-south where I am. So, apparently here, at least, Obama really does need my help. Not that I'm going to give it to him....}

{So, again, why do I need to FIGHT Sheldon Adelson? Why mention him by name? What did he do to deserve to be SINGLED OUT in a campaign email as THE BAD GUY?? I'm gonna go with 'probably nothing worthy of this' (unless donating money to the "wrong" side counts), and then go google him after I post this}

{Oh look, Obama really does care about the working class.  Look, he's giving that nice janitor/maintenance guy knucks. Awwwwwww *warm fuzzies*. Well, forget all that stuff I said, and the fact that his stimulus has kept the jobless rate above 8% since he's been in office and the fact that Obamacare is going to make healthcare EVEN WORSE THAN IT ALREADY IS for people without much money and I guess since he gives knucks to working class people I'll just have to vote for him. Darn - good play Obama....}


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