So, apparently I'm only going to post on my blog once a week, it's just going to be a week's worth of posts and pictures. So, in this one we have the photo from Dec 12, which was last Sunday when it snowed and evening church was canceled. This is what snow looks like when it's coming down at night and moving faster than the shutter speed on your camera.
And this is what snow looks like in black and white. Kind of hard to see, huh?
William and I were actually on our way to church with our friend Rachel, when her car started skidding on a bridge on the interstate. Which, for the record, is the first time I've ever had a need for a "bridge freezes before roadway" sign. And immediately after that we saw 3 or 4 separate wrecks in the next 1/2 mile. So, we decided to turn around and go home instead. Church wasn't canceled at that point, and we were due to sing with the choir, but it turned out to be a good thing because they ended up canceling church!