Alroite kids, I'm heading off to sydney and melbourne tomorrow, on an exciting journey of wonderment, dancing, partial nudity and fun! I'm doing sound and lights for the Bohemia Tour ---> It's a burlesque show kinda deal, we gots dancing, silent movies, accordion-ing, all kinds of rad whatnots. You should come if you're in the affore mentioned towns! Click le link for dates and such.
I'm pretty excited about it, I'm part of a 2 person co-driving team who's doing all the motoring. Yep, drive to Sydney, then Melbz, then back to Bris. In a large van thing. Gonna be big, but golly heck I'm looking forward to it. *mansqueal*
AAaaaaaand UFC 76 on sunday, for which I must find a place to watch whilst down in melb. Weee!
Shall update when I can, this should be pretty cool.