I think I'm going to give up and post my SPN 6x06 reaction with my 6x07. . . . when I'll finally have time to watch the episode. Which might be a while from now. I'm so jealous of everyone who's already seen it-my friendlist is FULL of *reactions* and *feelings* and I'm trying very hard not to spoil myself.
Walking Dead 1x01:
This was so, so, so pretty. AMC is apparently becoming the network of long silences and lingering scenes, and I really do approve. It was shot like a comic book-not necessarily like *the* comic, but a lot of below eye-level shots, the way you would lay out a frame. It's an interesting choice.
It's also a really, really slow pace. I wonder if it's going to stay like this for the entire series, or if they were taking more time because they had an hour and a half to work with it. On the other hand, if they keep up with this pace, I should be able to buy the comic faster than they can churn out episodes.
It's a little darker than the comic so far. Not much (I mean, the comic's not sunshine and roses), but the family's reaction was more cagey than the comic.
I watched this at a friends house, and one of the other people there kept on caling Rick the worst zombie survivor ever. I kind of felt defensive about that-he's actually really good at gathering supplies and keeping it together, considering. . . but she also wasn't there for the Return of the Living Dead showing earlier in the day.
But yes-I'm excited about it and wondering what they're going to change and hope that this will all be AMAZING.
Reverend Horton Heat, featuring the Legendary Shack Shakers and Split Lip Rayfield, 11/03/10, First Ave.
It’s always a good sign when they ban glass bottles.
The first band, The Legendary Shack Shakers was awesome. They were fronted by a hillbilly version of Scott Weiland, circa 1994. He fit in four costume changes during a 45 minute opening set (overshirt, t-shirt, no shirt, then put on a . . . striped turtleneck?), doing the crab walk and then giving a death metal shriek. I'd never heard any of their music (apparently it got onto the True Blood Soundtrack?)
The next band, Split Rip Rayfield, included someone who looked a lot like Cameron from Ferris Bueller on mandolin, a mass of long hair on bass, and a banjo. It was straight bluegrass (Smoky Mountain breakdown, but still bluegrass), so it was a little more low-key than the other bands, but it still involved the most impressive mandolin playing I’ve seen in a long time.
There are plenty of bands I see for some sort of emotional cartharsis: mania, rage, depression, or for the sheer beauty of the music. This one was just. . .fun. It was a great show; amazing music, some banter (mostly about cacti), some showmanship (at one point, the bassist was playing the (full, upright) bass horizontally while the lead singer stood on top of it, and during the encore, the bassist from The Legendary Shack Shakers hijacked the bass mid-song without interrupting anything), and it was a great time. No emotional breakthroughs, but a good time was had by all.
There was also a lot of awesome hair in the audience: full beards, twirled mustaches, bumps, pompadours, beehives, and one guy with Eraserhead hair. If there is a place where semi-ironic facial hair and appropriation of rural styles is acceptable, it's a Reverend Horton Heat concert.
Merlin 3x08 (last week's episode. Won't see this week's episode for a while yet)
This? This was awesome. This is why I love Merlin despite the faily bits. It's banter and adorableness and shipping everyone with everyone and GAWAAAAAAIIIIIIINNN. Or, rather, Gwaine. My love for him transcends differences in spelling. He's willing to help Merlin help Arthur because it's all a chain of manly love. And Gwaine being bitchy to Arthur just makes me happy, too. I loved all of the Monty Python references, and might have said 'it's only a model' when Arthur first laid eyes on the keep.
But EVEN BETTER: They allowed Gwen to figure out that Morgana was evil! Without any help! She was able to do something on her own and I really hope that Gaius doesn't keep her out of things, and that she'll be able to work with Merlin. There was a little character development! Maybe there will be more in the future!
Then again, I'm the same person who's all OMG they HAVE to let Arthur in on Merlin's secret this week! Every. Single. Week. You'd think I'd figure it out after three years.