Spoilers for SPN 7x16

Mar 16, 2012 21:03

[Testing out the new fancy spoilertext]
This episode would have been so much better as:

a)  A portlandia crossover


b) A scooby doo crossover. (what?  They were already fighting crooked real estate developers)

I'm kind of surprised at how little I care about what the leviathan's plans are.  And I can't get myself to care about Frank's death (though it makes me worry about Sheriff Mills).  I laughed at the 'cure cancer' line, which I'm pretty sure wasn't the right response.

On the whole, I feel like I should have enjoyed this episode a lot more than I actually did.  I love the idea of sleep deprived Sam slowly losing touch, but this episode didn't really sell it to me.  I liked the deaths, but that was pretty much it.

Okay, okay, I also liked George's scene at the end there.  Almost wish that they'd let him eat Joy's head and then killed him.  One last meal!

supernatural!, uh supernatural tag?

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