(no subject)

Apr 16, 2011 06:04

One of the local coffee shops in has gone from being an combination anarchist bike shop/coffee house to a place that serves bacon infused lattes. Does that raise or lower the hipster quotient in my neighborhood? Discuss.

Also: links. I think I have more of them somewhere, but these are the tabs I have open.

The Big Map Blog: Old maps with high resolutions and a decent zoom interface. Pretty, yo.

Also: Graphs of population change in US Urban areas from the 2010 census. Meaning: OMG 2010 CENSUS DATA IS OUT AND READY FOR US TO PLAY WITH SO EXCITE. Look, I like these things, okay?

China Mieville writes a pitch for Iron Man. Why am I not living inside his brain full time? Plz be letting me know.

Castiel, the motion picture: Just in case anyone hasn't seen this yet.

image Click to view


I think I've decided that my true OTP is Castiel/Regrettable Things. Which should make the rest of the season pretty damn awesome.

The structure of this episode is so weird: I mean, it was mostly from Sam and Dean's POV, except. . . Sam and Dean didn't do anything. They walked around, asked the angels about what they did, and acted as bait. It seemed like an odd arc for an episode.

But then I think of all the individual scenes and I'm suddenly okay with everything once more. See: Cas/Regrettable Things OTP.

Also: Balthazar. I love how he's the sort of character that people just sort of believe would fuck up everything just because of a movie. I really wanted there to be a scene where they meet up in the shitty lounge in Quebec where Celine Dion is playing, just so Balthazar could admire his handiwork.

Cas having sexual tension with everyone. He totally had a thing with Atropos once, am I right? Did he go to her during his search for God? Did she refuse to help him, because it would go against her entire being? I was groaning at all of the 'tempting fate' puns, but the actual character was pretty awesome. ALSO: SHE MOVED THE PLOT FORWARD. SEE:

CAS USING SOULS AS CURRENCY. Did Balthazar talk him into this? Did Castiel have plans for Sam's soul? Was that why he was so angry about Dean resouling Sam? What else is he planning? OMG REGRETTABLE THINGS

Castiel killing 50,000 people and possibly losing his advantage in the war to save the Winchesters. Cas 'trying to save the friends he has'. He's so attached to these people-everyone else seems to be against him, I don't think he necessarily thinks he's on the right path, but he can't see another way out now. So he puts all of his faith in the Winchesters and will do anything to save them. Even if he goes against everything he believes in. Just like a real Winchester: if he had a soul to sell, I'm pretty sure he would have traded it to a demon by now for these guys.

I think he let the winchesters remember not because of any lesson about free will, but so maybe they will forgive him once they figure out what he's done.  Why he did it.

Also, I felt bad for Bobby. And Ellen! OMG I missed Ellen so much. I was worried Jo wouldn't exist, but I'm not really sure when Ellen and Bobby got together.

This entry was originally posted at http://www.dreamwidth.org/12345.html because I'm fancy like that.

awesome, supernatural!, uh supernatural tag?, things that everyone else has seen befor, more interesting things on the internet

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