NaBloPoMo Day 14

Nov 14, 2008 10:10

On the Today Show this morning, Kathy Lee starts going on a rant about how the "pregnant man" (who had a child last year and is pregnant again) is NOT A MAN! She even says "it's only weird if you think of him as a man" and tries to explain that he's a woman because of his reproductive organs. He's a woman because he "didn't go all the way" (w/ his surgeries). Oda kept saying that he's a man and Kathy kept fighting her and saying "he's a woman".

Let's talk about the problems with this.

UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH Livejournal fucking deleted my entry!! Goddammit! I had a whole rant about Kathy Lee being a bitch... ugh. Here's the summery of what my last entry was like, but very condensed and not as amazing:

Women's Studies 101:
Sex is between the legs; gender is between the ears aka sex is biological, gender is social.
Woman/Man = gender (socially constructed)
Female/Male = sex/biological
To say "he's a woman" is just stupid b/c she's trying to judge his biology not his gender performance... and I know a lot of people don't know the difference but I hate people who say HORRIBLE things like this and can't be intelligent enough to say it correctly. I'm calling for her to get called into a GLAAD meeting and then apologize on Monday.
"Going all the way" w/ surgery is NOT a necessity for a transgendered person.
It is NOT okay to cut down someone's identity just because they don't fit into your binary of what gender and/or sex should be!

I'd be happy to chat about transgender issues - I don't bite off heads when having a discussion, I promise! haha

Nstew is at it again and making my life amazing. I hope to God they're sexing it up.
Rpattz has cute interviews out.
InStyle pics are the shit.
I'm looking for the Spoiler videos - I hear there's much Ashley/Jackson and my links are all bad.

I missed the AGE contest by THREE MINUTES! And I waited for the bus for longer than three minutes, so I could definitely have been in my room with my computer. Which makes me hateful.

UGH! Stupid LJ! I hate you so hard! ugh... I haven't eaten today so I need to go do that.

Love you all. <3


nstew, night huntress, jeaniene frost, lj, twilight, life, transgender, rpattz

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