NaBloPoMo Day 8

Nov 08, 2008 12:35

I have a fucking diploma!!!!!!! I have proof that I graduated from college!!!!! I don't do commencement until December 13 (b/c my school only does it in June and December and I graduated in the Summer, so I walk in December. Never mind the fact that my first quarter of grad school will be behind me at that point haha

That's right... a degree WITH HONORS in Women's Studies! GAH! *dances*

Does everyone have Holiday plans yet? Thanksgiving plans? Christmas/etc plans? I really need to buy my fucking tickets to Las Vegas (christmas) or I'm going to be paying out the wazoo! I need my Dad to tell me if he and my stepmom are going somewhere for New Years so I know when I'm coming BACK from Vegas. GAH! Heading home the day of Commencement b/c my stepmom is baking that weekend and I haven't missed cookie weekend in... ever. I think I've been to at least one day of baking weekend for the 10 years I've known her. YAY! :) I can't wait! For Thanksgiving I think we're going to West Virginia to go to this restaurant I haven't been to yet... and probably two night at the Wine Shop down the street from our house - I fucking love my family. And my BFF and I will be having dinner and seeing Twilight the night before Thanksgiving! :)

Rockin' out to Dr. Horrible and the Twilight Soundtrack... still eagerly awaiting the Twilight score :)

I need to find myself some food... maybe I'll get my ass out of bed and leave the house. I should try to study... but I really just don't want to. But *sigh* I probably should.

Dog-sitting tonight... they're lovely though. Well, the one is lovely - the other is a puppy and is very proud of her barking ability. *looks over at dogs* omg... she is precious - she just pulled my towel on the ground and I swear to God spread it out so she could lay on it. *squee* She's so cute when she's not being insane!

Okay.... I think that's enough ramble for today, don't you? That's what I thought. :) <3


school, twilight, holidays, life, dr horrible

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