(no subject)

Oct 12, 2008 09:24

Tagged by earendil-elven

1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people.

1. I wouldn't be doing Grad School at this point it my life if my dream job didn't demand it.
2. I looooooooove old movie theatres.
3. I truly believe the world is coming to an end, but I can't do anything except make jokes and pretend it isn't happening.
4. I've never been on a date; my ex and I just started going out, I've never done the "I'm interested in you and don't know you, let's go on a date" thing.
5. I'm a sucker for libraries. If I could quit everything and just sit all day and read paranormal fiction, I would.
6. I constantly think about jumping on an airplane to go to Las Vegas so I can visit my mom and Grandparents... it's dangerous for me to have money in my savings b/c I recognize I could fly for $100-$150.
7. I'm terrified of our apartment catching on fire, I hate and fear sharks, and I have a fear of getting bed bugs (did anyone else know that Cincinnati, specifically the Clifton area, has a horrible case of bed bugs? Yeah, neither did I.)
8. I become obsessed with things way too easily and forcibly start to create fandoms out of the books I read by mentioning them EVERYHWHERE.

I tag:

onsparrowwings, kudosirony, angela_weber, sarahhelsinki, silentscream821, superbeffie, crystalsc, silly_bella

And I would love to tag blue_succubus and frost_light but the likely hood they would do it is so slim I don't think I could count them in my 8 haha


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