The Office 5/8

May 10, 2008 00:46

So "The Office" was cute this week... not quite as amazing as some of the other episodes this season, but the end w/ Pam and Jim was ADORABLE! And Michael's "Kiss her, kiss her" was so f'ing creepy... Jim's face was incredible! But Jim's "screw this" really made my lil heart flutter haha
And just for the record... I can play the break up/get back together stuff on pretty much every single one of my shows... mostly b/c that is part of the joy of WATCHING those shows... but if Jim and Pam break up... I will seriously lose my mind. I haven't even been an "Office" fan for very long, but PB&J belongs together - and it would just be wrong for them to split up. I mean, he has the freakin' ring already!!! Seriously.

Next week is the finale and a cast member is leaving, but it's completely secretive! Some interviewer I was reading about had to sign a confidentiality agreement thing when visiting the set and cast members and crew only see the pages they're shooting that day... craziness. I can't wait.
Jenna Fisher was on Jay Leno last night and they showed a clip from the finale involving Pam, Jim, and Dwight (my favorite trio!) and it was hilarious! I can't wait. I'm really hoping this one is funny... cuz the last few have left me a little dry. "Money" and "Fun Run" are still two of my favorite episodes I think.

Highlights from this week's episode... and God knows if it'll still be posted by tomorrow w/ the way they're ripping down videos all over the place. Oh well. Enjoy!

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