Jan 06, 2005 22:59
umm so this week has been kinda lame, didnt go fast, and it didnt go slow...school is boring, i just started an art project today that is due tomorrow...cuz it wouldnt be "me" if it was on time. umm i lost my cell phone, so hopefully my 6th hour teacher has it.....
havin good times in 7th hr study hall with my babay mur-phay nauren adn dan ya kno...i got yelled at today by the guy who fills the vending machines....hes like WHAT!? im like nuthin and he goes "WHAT!?" again and im like "im just watchin and hes like "havent you ever seen anybody work" i go..."no.." umm actually i was just fascinated by the large amount of candy he was putting in.. ok uklsdghd;f'hg