IM QUITTING SMOKING. isn't that exciting? This is day one of no smoking. this all came about over the weekend when I was in Chicago...
Me and mom were shopping at
Woodfield, my most favorite mall of all time. My mom was trying to torture me by not allowing me to go to any exits to smoke. That game was unpleasant to say the least... Then we were in the Apple store and I said: "I'll quit if you buy me an ipod." and she said: "Ok, do it right now and give me all of your smokes." and I was like: "Holy crap mom, I can't quit right this second." so we agreed that if I quit by my brothers wedding than she'll buy me an ipod. good times.
I only had 2 smokes and 2 puffs yesterday... I haven't smoked at all today... I'm gonna get me that ipod, yes i am. There are obviously other incentives to quit, like my Dad's bypass surgery earlier this year and all of the money I could save that I found off
Rowans journal... Anyone have good tips for quitting? Hook me up, y0.
What else did I do in Chicago? Mostly a lot of shopping for back to school stuff... I'm tired of looking like a worn out bum town student... Chicago has a lot of sweet clothes but no so sweet prices... meh, I still got some stuff... Sunday was my Dads birthday, we went and saw 40 year old virgin (HILARIOUS!!!) and then went for a 2 mile walk because we ate 2 buckets of popcorn...
That is all.