Dec 09, 2004 00:01
Aye, Covenant. How appropriate.
So yes, winter comes and I'm feeling the best I ever have. I'm facing demons and madmen (and women) and a chronic seasonal dissorder, and I think I have it beat.
Seriously, this time last year, my entire body was slowing down and fatigue, stress and moodswings were bizarre to say the least. Then came spring and I got sucked into a well of energy drain. My body hated getting up and still does a bit. The worst bit was over the summer, where depression suddenly found a foot-hold and outside my room was looking like the beginning of 13 Ghosts. I'm still barely getting out of that pitfall. I let too much to get to me and now I'm rising out of it. I've realised how petty some things have become.
And to add to it, I've more energy and mood control than ever before. I'm beginning to see who the friends are and where the vipers lie. I've been blind for too long and soon I shall root out the ne'ersayers. I won't let this decrepit, rotting pier of human society that's left bring me to my knees ever again. I shan't let the knives get so close to my back. And as of today, I'm choosing who are my friends by merit and not by naivety and blase innocence. And after this bottle of whiskey, nay, after this night, I shall no longer go out and drink till the kegs run dry. I'm saving my money and I might even run away for a bit. If I'm gonna go out and drink, it better be with company that appreciates me.
I'm fed up with some poeple around me who think they can treat me like shit. I'm ignoring everyone who might even slightly look like a traitor. And if that's all of you, well then I've at least done something about it and know when to move the fuck on.