It wasn't a co-incidence

Sep 16, 2003 09:50

For this entry, I require you to suspend your disbelief briefly. Imagine, for a moment, that The Archers is a radio drama series with actors and scriptwriters rather than, as we know, a hard-hitting documentary. I know, flickgc, it's ridiculous. But indulge me.

Back in January of last year, I wrote, as many of you will know, a Dr Who/Archers cross-over story, featuring the Jon Pertwee Doctor. I'm currently writing another, this time featuring the Tom Baker incarnation. I also, in a discussion on one of the BBC Message Boards, once mentioned that I always imagine Elizabeth Archer looking like Elisabeth Sladen, who played Sarah Jane Smith.

In Friday's Archers episode, Nigel and Elizabeth visited the Avoncroft Building Museum, where they found a TARDIS (i.e. a police phone box), Nigel said he expected Jon Pertwee to come out, while Elizabeth revealed that she was a Tom Baker fan, and that Sarah Jane Smith was a formative influence. flickgc asked if this was a co-incidence.

Well, I then found out that this week's episodes were scripted by Keri Davies, who is also Host on the Message Boards, and has therefore read every MB post. I don't believe in that level of co-incidence - I think that exchange of dialogue was a little nod in my direction. And if so, I'm really very pleased about it.

(Cross-posted to

