"...he says he reckons I'm a watercolor stain..."

Jul 02, 2003 17:39

No dice. Been a week since I last posted, so there goes my plan to try and write something everyday. Typical me. Eh, maybe I'll try again. All I ever seem to do is try. I feel like it gets me nowhere.

Not much has happened in the last week really. I had last Thursday off like I said, and spent some time with my mom in the apartment while she packed and freaked out all Swiss-like about what I need to do while she's gone. She must have told me I need to water the geraniums about fifty times. They should be dead by now.
She left on Friday afternoon while I was at work, and thus began my horror of cleaning, cooking, and putting up with my dad and little-brat of a brother. Fun. So I came home pretty early from work on Friday, cooked dinner and watched some tv with my dad and Chris, and then stayed up till the early morning to talk on IM with people. Couldn't sleep well anyway.
Saturday was lazy, and mainly filled with me finishing a book, and getting half way through another. We went out to eat at TGI Friday's that night (yes, Kyiv has a Friday's. Course, the sign looks a lot cooler in cryillic letters), so i didn't have to cook, and I got some yummy food and drinks in the deal. My brother totally broke his diet with a huge oreo milkshake. Afterwards we walked along Khreshatyk for a bit, saw some of the nightly Kyiv fireworks, and then came home. I stayed up and talked on IM till early morning again, and then tried to fall asleep and ending up just reading more.
Sunday was blah. Lazy and rainy day again. When I finally fell asleep that morning I slept till about 2pm. Finished reading one book, started another, and yeah, dinner and more IM. See the pattern here?
I had Monday off cause it was a Ukrainian holiday, and so did my dad, so it was another day of just hanging out at home and avoiding my dad's criticism and yelling. But this time I got to eat some caviar and drink champagne while reading. Ironically nice. One of the perks of Ukraine: cheap and good caviar and champagne. Yumm. So it was a weekend of rain, laziness, food, reading, and sneaking early morning hours for time on the computer at home.

Yesterday was mine and Kevin's 3 month anniversary (thanks for the message last night Natie-bo). *glowing grin*. Yeah... he spoils me with his sweetness. *le sigh* I got lots of happy e-mails with hearts (that pushed my hotmail account over the limit, haha), and cute messages and things. I got to talk to him on the phone for quite awhile last night too, so that was extra special. I miss him so much, and I hate being this far away from him for so long. Especially yesterday. Less than seven weeks till I see him, but still too long for me. OK, enough gushing (*MUA* I love you hon!).

So I'm at work doing... nothing. Yesterday was actually pretty busy for me though. I wasn't supposed to have to come in till about 1pm, as usual, but Sarah called me and asked if I could come in earlier to help her with the Sports page. Paul's gone till Friday, I think, so I'm the only other one who kind of knows how to do the sports, and thus I got to do a whole page (from research, to editing, to formating, to layout, to design, to print) by myself for deadline. Lot of tedious work, but at least I can say I did something useful for once.
And today I'm again bored and useless. Always the extremes here. Guess I picked the right place for me. I don't have to come in tomorrow though, so yay for more laziness and sleeping. I caught up on some sleep last night, but I'm still so freaking tired. Walking to work was even a chore. I don't think I'm that out of shape, am I? I need to curl up in bed with my book tomorrow and be lazy. Course, now my task-brain just kicked in and told me that no, I don't get to do that all day tomorrow cause I have to go shopping for food and stuff. And food shopping here isn't like in the US, where you can just go to one place and get everything. Nope. I'll have to go to the outdoor market, and then an indoor market, and then another place to get bread, etc, etc. Anyway, you don't want to hear about this. I'll just be lazy after shopping. And I'm hoping to be bad and get some time on IM in the afternoon before my dad gets home. Oh, and Sarah (who's being bad and skipping work too, hehe. And who also asked me to puppy/house sit for her later this month when she goes on vacation. Yay! her puppy is so cute) might come over and hang out tomorrow night, and then we'll probably go out for coffee later or something like that.
Friday's the 4th of July, and I think my brother and I are being dragged to an Embassy reception with my dad. And then Saturday there's a huge AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce) outdoor picnic in the stadium downtown. Food, fireworks, games and all that jazz. So this weekend might be more eventful with stories to share.

About it for now. Not that interesting of a post I know. I miss everyone! I'm post hungry. Sounds like everyone's busy and having fun off in the US/London/Finland etc. ***sending out E-vibes from Kyiv***
It was really hot out today, and now it's gloomy and just started raining, and a new KP "intern" just arrived too. Coincidence? Hmmm... she looks like she's about 30, and has an MBA and a lisp. This should be interesting. I'm sure she's getting paid and will have more work than I ever will *shakes fist in air* Oh, the corruption. Alright, I'm signing off. Sorry for no "musings/writes" today. Everything's a work in progress as usual. Soon... soon.
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