Cars and Twilight Princesses

Jan 18, 2007 18:28

Heehee. My car sounds like me!

I've been really good about being a passive driver. I pride myself on paying attention to the overall flow around me when I'm in the car: traffic, pedestrians, road textures and the normal sounds of my car. But, sometimes there are those idiot-asshole-motorists who cut me off while driving 10 miles under the speed limit and talking on a cellphone and eating a burger and changing their pants, just so they can come to a complete stop before turning into a shopping center. Of course I get angry, but mainly because they're disrupting the flow of traffic around THEM! Grr.

And my car horn sounds like me when I'm angry ^_^

Oh, Deer. Since purchasing my Honda Civic last September, I have seen Deer near the side of the road TWICE, swerved to avoid hitting a Deer feeding on something in the middle of the road, and had a near collision with another one while having 4 friends in the car (in all honesty, my windshield should look like the victim of a TV-Wiimote accident...) I recognize that I've been doing more driving and road-trippin' than the past few years. But, I swear: if a Deer does any damage to my car, I'll throw down with that sonuvabitch and slam its head in the door. Repeatedly.

So, I've noticed with all the Zeldas there's always that ONE puzzle in a dungeon that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever... until you open your Item Menu.

Well, I came across that last night and spent TWO hours trying to figure it out. The first hour was spent traversing the puzzle a first time to achieve the tool/item specific to that dungeon. In order to do that, however, I obviously had to use what items you've already acquired (the good ole boomerang, bow'n arrow, bombs, etc) On the way back down, for some odd reason, I never thought of using that newly acquired item. It's a simple equation, really: solve puzzles in dungeon, obtain awesome new toy, use toy to obtain Master Key and kill Boss. Simple, right? 1 hour later it seemed rather simple...

*sigh* I think being exposed to all those mold spores the field workers carry on their clothes into the office has really drilled holes in my brain (see: Property Preservation) I was tempted last night to fill out one of those hokey online IQ Tests, but instead opted to review old notes from my last semester in Computer Science. Fortunately, I understood most of it (um, that's usually a GOOD thing, Arnell...)

Bullocks. I'm gonna shower and get ready to (hopefully) watch The Good Shepherd later tonight.
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