Sep 08, 2006 14:59
It really sucks to be sick at home, but it sucks even more to be sick abroad. My suitemates are all going out and I'm quarantining myself in the dorm tonight. I've had a cold and sore throat since Monday, and the last thing I need is to put myself in a crowded, sweaty club until 2 am.
So here's my obligatory "killing time and feeling sorry for myself" entry where I ramble on and on for a bit.
Tuesday I'll be attending a performance from the BBC Philharmonic, where they'll be doing pieces by Smetana, a Czech, among other important people I don't know.
Friday I'll embark on a three day trip to Southern Moravia, headed by my art history prof. Simon North. I'm really excited for that, and not just because So.Mo. is the CR's wine country.
The weekend of the 23rd I've got nothing planned, but I hope to hit up that four story club again, with a muscled eunuch as a bodyguard.
September 28th is a Czech National holiday, so we'll have a four day weekend. I'm planning on traveling to Vienna to see Bridget, and then heading on to Budapest. Maybe we'll hit up Bratislava too, Slovakia's capital city, but I doubt it.
October 8th I'm heading to Cesky Krumlov for an overnight trip. This touristy town has been "untouched" since medieval times. I hope they have plumbing in the hostel.
Another week off, then fall break begins Oct 20 and ends the 29th. I'm not sure where I'll be then - hopefully I can get some sun then, though...
Halloween falls on a Tuesday, and my suitemates and I are determined to really get into it, regardless of if we're the only ones in the city dressed up. I imagine that some club will throw an expat party though, and we'll do it up right.
The 10th of November I'm going to participate in a lithography workshop, and if any of you know how nerdy I am about prints after working at Childs Gallery, you can guess how excited I am. I have to figure out a simple design to sketch, though, because my artistic skills are a bit rusty if not non-existent.
Oy. Head hurts. Peace out globe-trekkers.