005- It's the flood talking

Feb 09, 2009 10:28

Hello, everyone!

It only recently occurred to me that I spent much of my time alone and unhappy. It never really bothered me too much before, but I can't figure out why. I mean, I can't think of anyone here I would consider a good friend (I hardly know any of you!), so I can only imagine how you must feel about me. Even my warden has been making efforts and what have I done? No one ever really wants to be alone, so what have I done? I've driven everyone away!

I want to apologize for that.

Let me start over with introductions-- the right way. My name is Testament and I've been brought here as an inmate because I am directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands. Before I was brought here, I was searching for my precious one-- the only other being I thought truly understood me. This also accounts for some of my hostility, for I was (and still am) worried about her wellbeing, though I've come to realize that all of you are capable of being as understanding if only given the chance.

Once again, I am very sorry for my behavior up to this point and I hope we can move beyond it.
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