I can't believe Coach Hunt made me run laps. That was so not cool and lame. What is it all you jocks get out of running, anyhow? It's stupid and pointless. You don't even have a destination. You run in circles, like a little dog, yapping for its owner to throw it a biscuit. Ch'yeah, well, I'm not some conformist's pet, ok? I can see the layers to the world and you're all so oblivious it's laughable. You're blinded by your consumer greed, and self importance, and falseness, and you miss the point to life.
There isn't one. The point of life is to die. We're here to run around aimlessly until we finally kick the bucket and move on to better things.
The good life? Ha, what a joke.
It's almost as funny
as when I see a baby giggle
and a mother talk of love
There is no love
Love is a false construct
by false people
to continue their bullshit belief system
Everyone follows
because they're too stupid and scared
to ever question
their bullshit ways
I know the truth
my razor shows me every night
as I peel layers of ruby
from pale white flesh
Pain is the only truth
and blood its messenger
Ch'yeah, that's real poetry, Mr. Redeker.